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Australian Politics

The Sweet Touch of Melancholy.

History has passed me by.

‘Tis with a sweet touch of melancholy,

I reflect upon my mood today,

‘Twas one of a multiple of simple sayings,

My Irish gran’ had perchance to say..


“What you have not gained by age forty-five,

You will never have, no matter the age you survive”.

Now here I am, accrued my three score and ten,

And what I have not gained comes to taunt me again.


My moment in history has indeed passed me by,

That moment most desirous for myself to say,

“I am surrounded by what best pleases me, I may,

Now indulge in delicious fantasies, night and day”.


But now, in this ghastly, digitalised, parody of life,

I tread soft footfalls to avoid unnecessary strife,

Trying to conjure those spirits of esoteric, fantastic ,

Who do nought but tease me, dancing delightfully erotic.


My moment in history may have passed me by,

But in this velvet hiatus of aged life I lay,

Kaleidoscope dreams embracing me by night,

To secure me from snares the wild world lays.


And though I ought regret those few chances lost,

They were but fliting moments, chanced on a coin’s toss,

So ‘twould be churlish to recall such opportunity missed,

Then go curse life and all it promised..as but a Judas kiss.


About freefall852

Tradie Carpenter. ret'.. Much work, many places, long time, much traveled, met many good and not so good people..will tell you about them some day.


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Trish Corry



I love to discuss Australian Politics. My key areas of interest are Welfare, Disadvantage, emotions in the workplace, organisational behaviour, stigma, leadership, women, unionism. I am pro-worker and anti-conservativism/Liberalism. You will find my blog posts written from a Laborist / Progressive Slant.

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