Teaching Body Sculpting

Wednesdays are usually my days off from teaching Jazzercise, but tonight was a little different as I was asked to sub for a fellow instructor who is on her honeymoon! I’m very jealous as they are somewhere warm and tropical, and I’m stuck here in SW Missouri waiting for Fall to arrive. Anyways, the 6:45 class on Wednesday evenings at our center is a Body Sculpting class. It’s a Jazzercise class format that focuses on building and strengthening muscles with a 40 minute set of strength training routines.

It’s a completely normal and widely used class format in Jazzercise centers – it’s just something I’ve never taught before! So last night I was frantically searching through all my Jazzercise materials to make sure I didn’t fudge this thing up. The outcome? It was super fun and challenging to do something new for a change!

Typical classes are around 40 minutes of cardio followed by 20 minutes of the strength training songs. So basically, I cut out the cardio and just about triple the strength training requirements, and voila! You get one awesome muscle toning session.

I arrived home sweaty and exhausted. This little lady is gonna be sore tomorrow!


Lunch today was extra quick and half of it was eaten in the car on the way back to work. (I was busy finishing up my bodysculpting music set!) I threw together a salad with romaine lettuce, snap peas, and some more sweet peppers!

photo(29)Those sweet little babies are also getting ready to go bad, so I need to eat them up quick! Still crisp and delicious as of today 🙂  And I had some cottage cheese with a spoonful of mango salsa mixed in for a little extra flavor. After inhaling this, I quickly walked King Mac who couldn’t seem to quit crying for my food! Whiny and annoying as always during meals…

picstitchI made a quick turkey and mustard sandwich on wheat to finish off my lunch. This was eaten as I was driving back to work, and therefore, it is not pictured. There are crumbs all over my drivers seat now as proof though!


Dinner needed to be substantial tonight after 2 workouts and a faster-than-normal lunch.

I downed some yogurt as soon as I walked in the door along with a banana. I literally inhaled this stuff so fast that I couldn’t snap a picture! I then hopped in the shower and thought about what else I wanted….decisions, decisions.

photo(22)I decided to keep it carb free and go for some steamed broccoli and cauliflower and ham! The mix of warm veggies and ham definitely hit the spot. And I now have leftover steamed veggies for lunch tomorrow. Win!

And now Nick, Mac, and I are lounging on the couch getting ready for a new Duck Dynasty! Wednesdays really are the best weekdays when there is a new Duck Dynasty to be watched 🙂 I love me some silly rednecks!

Have a great night!

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