Letter to President Obama #74

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Attn:    President Barack Obama

December 27, 2013

Mr. President:

Aloha.  While you and your family are living it up in Hawaii, over 3,000 innocent children are dying every day in America’s abortion mills.  They will never feel an ocean breeze or the loving caress of a parent.  While you stumble through your latest round of golf and ham it up for your friends in the mainstream media, America’s abortion mills are killing 1 out of every 3 unborn children.

Mr. President, as the most pro-abortion President in history, you are presiding over a human tragedy of epic proportions with over 6 million abortions performed during your first 5 years in office.  If over 1 million Americans were killed every year by terrorists would you take action to stop the killing?  If over a million schoolchildren were murdered every year in their classrooms would you be concerned?  Why do you say nothing as more than a million tiny humans are killed every year just as they are beginning their life journeys?

Mr. President, as you well know, elections have consequences.  Electing inept ideologues like you gives your star struck supporters just what they deserve; an erosion of societal values and a growing indifference for the value of every human life.  Unfortunately, those of us who saw through your non-existent resume and slick talk are stuck with you for 3 more years too.  As adults, we can make our own choices and improve our situation in spite of leaders like you.  Our unborn children aren’t availed the same luxury.  They live and die on the whims of a nation in decline and politically driven morals that shift with the tides of public opinion.

America’s children are priceless.  They deserve better than to be slaughtered in the most barbaric procedures and tossed into medical waste containers like so much garbage.  Organizations like Planned Parenthood should never exist in a country founded on the principles of equality for all, with the Right to life as its basis.  A civilized country should never enact laws that allow a mother to walk into an abortion clinic, pay a fee, and have her unborn child legally killed.  America’s taxpayers should not be forced to send over $500 million a year to Planned Parenthood.

Mr. President, you swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  You’ve had 5 years.  Don’t you think it’s about time you honor your oath?  Sir, if we turn our backs on the most vulnerable among us, our unborn children, what does that say about us as parents, grandparents, and human beings?  Just like elections have consequences, so do our choices in life.  I choose life and will never rest until America’s abortion industry is history.

Enjoy your vacation and think about the hundreds of innocent children that will die during your next round of golf.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

cc:  Planned Parenthood

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