Yeni Akit: Support to Perverts From BDP and CHP

Source: Furkan Altınok, “BDP ve CHP’den Sapkınlara Destek,” (“Support to Perverts From BDP and CHP,”) 3 February 2013, Yeni Akit,

Yeni Akit is a conservative daily newspaper that engages in hate speech against LGBTI people and other groups. This is a verbatim translation. 

The CHP and BDP have turned into sponsors of perversion. Their “support for perversion” is clear in their reaction to the latest Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) Disciplinary Law, in which homosexuality and similar perversions remain grounds for dismissal.

The CHP (Republican People’s Party) and BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) expressed their support for the sexual deviants in their protest against the recent Armed Forces Disciplinary Law. The passing of the new law, which kept the same charges for homosexuality and similar perversions as in its older version, caused the CHP and BDP legislators to  back KAOS GL, an organization of sexual deviancy.


The CHP Istanbul MP Binnaz Toprak met with a group representing “perversion organization called Kaos GL” to state that she had taken part in the CHP’s effort to draft a new constitution even before she was elected as MP. She stated the following: “I have always sided with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans citizens’ rights. I have always defended that assurances of these should be in the constitution. I am currently not a member of the constitutional commission; however, my fellow CHP MPs are trying to work statements regarding this topic into the constitution. They are constantly met with disagreement by the MPs from the ruling party.” Toprak added that the new armed forces disciplinary law was “another product of the same slanted perspective”. Another CHP MP, Şafak Pavey met with a group made up of dykes, homosexuals and transvestites in Parliament to state that, in the past she had, and in the future she would continue to, follow up on their issues in every medium.


Additional backing for the perverts was stated by MPs from the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP). The BDP members support of “depraved terror” the same way they have supported PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party). Following the acceptance of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Law, BDP MP Ertuğrul Kürkçü said, “we should stand shoulder to shoulder against fascism, heterosexism and capitalism.” BDP MP Sebahat Tuncel likewise claimed that “one cannot be a human rights defender without defending LGBT rights”, adding that she will keep pursuing the rights of these groups.


Kaos GL, the organization that enjoys support from both the CHP and BDP, demands the following: “Until the elimination of mandatory military service, the right to conscientious objection must be recognized. The Turkish Armed Forces must accept that practices such as termination of employment due to sexual orientation or sexual identity are forms of discrimination in the workplace. People who are medically disqualified from military service on the grounds of homosexuality must be made so on the basis of personal statements rather than humiliating medical examinations. Discriminatory practices regarding those who are medically disqualified from military service must be disallowed.”


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