12/10/17 CCNA CyberOps, CCIE RS Lab prep

I don’t know if somebody even bothers reading my blog but anyway. If you stuble on my blog I welcome you. If this is your first time then great if you’ve been following me around, thank you so much for patiently reading through the pains and the joys of my certification journey.

I have just gone through my Annual Delan Flu season where I am just bed ridden for a few days, missed a number of corporate events including my company’s own Christmas party and a Gala Night to which we won one of the awards. bummer! I was also looking forward to my first Cisco Christmas party event, didn’t go thank you flu!

Anyway just some work update, aside from the technical aspect of work like projects, data centre migration, bit by bit I have been getting involved with management. I have been interviewing a few candidates for some entry level roles, screening them, I have done my first “yes you’re hired!” calls. The most interesting part of what I have been doing is giving performance reviews, its different when you’re on the other end of the table. I feel like if given some spare time I could actually write an entire blog about it.

After passing my CCNA Sec, I told myself that could have been my last CCNA level exam to take only to eat my words weeks later as I have been accepted to the Cisco CyberOps scholarship program. The program includes 3 months access to all official Cisco training materials + coaching. They will also pay for you exams (2 of them) as well.

Aside from that I have finally get my hands on some decent server at work to run my CCIE lab environment. I am actually firing up the vRouters as I am writing this blog. Yeah I know the ESXi approach is so 2014 and these days of VIRL, lab creator and UniLab.  In saying this I have re-started my CCIE RS lab prep. It feels like day 1 again going through all the INE VODs. I just have to remind myself of what a friend once told me when I went to the gym saying the same thing: “Day 1 is better than 1 day”.


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