Mooooving Monday

I love urban art. By that I mean art that pops up unexpectedly in urban areas. I’m not sure that any part of Bowling Green, Kentucky, can be considered “urban,” but here’s a wall mural from there anyway. 


Sometimes I research an area before I visit it to see if there are any places I want to drive by and take pictures of this for blog. More often, though, I happen across places, and I enjoy that more than the ones I purposely seek out. I enjoy serendipity. That’s how I took this picture: we were driving in the Piedmont area of Atlanta, Georgia, and just happened to spot this sign.

wpid-20140723_193320.jpgThis poor cow cracks me up. When I laugh at her, I feel like I’m laughing at myself, because I’m just clumsy enough that I know I’ve looked just like her as I tripped over the air. (First day of high school, I’m remembering you. <shudder>)

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