Wish You Were Here…

There is only one thing to do when the weather is foul and that’s to pack your bags and go to where it’s sunny and warm….


Carbis Bay 1


Sea Spray, Porthcurno


Waves, Porthcurno


More waves, Porthcurno


Carbis Bay 2


Where to next? Porthcurno Telegraph Museum

Yes, I have been away. I am back now in rainy North Devon. Even when the weather forecast is poor for Cornwall it never seems to materialise and it’s always glorious… I have tampered with the colour in only one of these pictures. Anyhow, it is competition time!!!!! Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to pick out the photo that I’ve enhanced. The prize is a calligraphed envelope with your address and some Wonky Words of your very own to keep…. what could be more lovely??? Other than a cream tea and a Cornish Pasty. Meanwhile, please bear with me whilst I upload 322 more photographs of the Atlantic Ocean.

39 thoughts on “Wish You Were Here…

  1. dinahmow

    Well! I have to say that Carbis Bay 1 looks about the same colour as the view from my local watering hole. But the again…my local watering hole sometimes looks like Carbis Bay 2. Perhaps, if you took a holiday in, oh, I dunno, Crete? McMurdo Sound? That might make things a little easier.
    Of course, the Big Thing is …did you have a jolly time? Lots of crumpets an’ creamy things? Yes?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I had a fab time, Dinah!! And I had cake every single day… sometimes I had more than just one slice. Thankfully I did plenty of walking, so no real harm done.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      I don’t often do contests, M.Pain… so they are a little disorganised… I should have mentioned that I won’t be posting the results until next Wednesday :-)


  2. Grouchy

    HI Scarlet!!!
    “more waves” is my pick! Friends in Cornwall say it has been a good summer. We are in a drought here in ‘SoFlo’ (South Florida) which translates to very high water bills.
    Did I win?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Results to be posted next Wednesday, Grouchy!
      We haven’t had a drought in years…. maybe 2010?? And that was due to a cold, dry winter!


  3. lx

    What lovely holiday pix! I hope you had a wonderfully refreshing time!

    “More waves, Porthcurno” is my guess. Did I win yet?

    PS: Now I’m in a sulk that I haven’t been to the beach in ages for Coconut Shrimp and Hush Puppies.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Results to be posted next Wednesday, Mr Lax!!
      Oh, get to the beach! I need to go at least five times a year, and Cornwall is special – such amazing light.


  4. Peter Wells aka Countingducks

    Well, that was my kind of holiday without a doubt, and I’m really glad you had a great time. Ooh the competition. As you know I’m a driven competitive man, and winning things is one of my main interests. When the winning also involves active jaw exercise I’m thrown into a frenzy but then my answer, right or wrong, is the same as other people’s so what happens then. This could be one for the umpires. Oh, you want the answer I hear your cry. Why photo one of course. The sky is impossibly blue and their is no litter on the beach !


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Ducks, please to not worry yourself over the complexities of choosing a winner! I am a generous host! There is plenty of gruel for all correct answers, and to be honest I need the calligraphy practice :-)
      I’m sure people litter pick the beaches in Cornwall, as they are unbelievably clean; it’s in their interests to keep them this way as the economy is so reliant on the tourist industry – get yourself down there!


  5. IDV

    What a lovely place to be away in! I’ve only been to Cornwall once, but it was absolutely marvellous! I keep meaning to go again, and these photos are getting me another step closer.
    And as for the photos, to my colourblind eyes, ‘Carbis Bay 1’ or ‘More Waves, Porthcurno’ look more colourful, so I’m going with the popular choice of ‘Carbis Bay 1’.

    P.S. Are any of those footprints in ‘Carbis Bay 2’ yours?


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Mr Devine – I believe the footprints must be mine! I messed up the virgin sand!
      Get yourself down to Cornwall, we can meet for a cream tea, it will be glorious!


  6. Mitzi Carte-Blanche

    The first picture looks as though it came out of a holiday brochure, it’s the Britain I yearn for. I can feel the salty spray caking my face as I type.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes, Ms Carte, Cornwall can occasionally deliver the Britain you yearn for. It’s so quaint.
      The salty spray you speak of is as effective as hair gel – who knew?!!


  7. 63mago

    Oh this looks very nice ! I had to google the places and read about them. Did you visit the museum ? Are the underground tunnels accessible ?
    As for the photograph – I have not decided yet, later.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Yes, Mr Mags, I did visit the museum – a fascinating place. There were underground tunnels to visit, it actually made me feel very stupid because my brain got in a fuddle trying to piece together how coded electricity travels down copper cable to the rest of the world… I think I grasped it in the end :-)
      THIS is interesting.


  8. lisleman

    “tampered” – hmm, that could mean changing it to brighten or dull. I’ll take the contrarian’s view and say it’s the Carbis Bay 2 pic. No need to mail any prize. Just recognition on your site is reward enough. Beside if you mailed something to me, MI6 would probably find out my location.


  9. Leni Qinan

    Hi Scarlet, I hope you had a hell of a good time at the seaside! ;)
    A competition !!! This is exciting !!!
    I would choose More waves. I love those shades of blue all covered with foam, like brokenhearted little mermaids ;)


  10. Rose

    I loved Cornwall when I visited, though the weather did not return the favour.

    I’m voting for Carbis Bay 2, if I’m not too late to the competition?

    Glad you enjoyed your time away, welcome back. xxx


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Ms Tara, you are spot on! And the only one of my commenters to see the cat – remarkable!
      Yep, it was lovely down there….. and now it’s all a bit murky and rainy… we have to pay for good weather, don’t we?!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Princess

    My guess is the last picture, and you have swiped a still of the sunny sky from the opening credits of Antiques Road Show and stuck your pole in front of it…
    I’m just glad you got away for a nice little break in reasonably good weather… Here we are in the midst of winter, pouring with rain(Yay! we were having a mini drought) and battling 10 and below temperatures every day. Roll on summer I say!


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Oh Princess, don’t break the illusion… to us Brits Australia is always wall to wall sunshine!
      Antiques Roadshow!! Don’t give me ideas…


  12. 63mago

    Thank you for the link !

    Regarding the picture – I’m with Princess, and say it’s the last one “Where to next? Porthcurno Telegraph Museum”, because the text on the signs is so very sharp, I think you played with contrast.


  13. Jon

    Oh my, I’m so late (again). Looks like I’ve got plenty of catching up to do. I hope you had someone to care for Charmaine and that flamenco dancer (what’s his name… Harvey???) whilst you were pleasuring yourself in Cornwall.
    Would you believe that I never saw the ocean in my life?



    1. Scarlet Post author

      You are never late, Jon!! Please don’t worry about Harvey/Harold and Charmaine… I padlocked the attic and left them a weeks supply of dry bread and gruel. They were fine :-)


  14. nick

    Ah, St Ives and Carbis Bay, a lovely part of the world. I hope you went to Tate St Ives while you were there.

    I would say the enhanced pic is Carbis Bay 1. The blues look a little too intense to be real. And very different from Carbis Bay 2. Or it might be the one with the rabbit playing the guitar on the sunbed.


    1. Scarlet Post author

      Hello Nick!
      Again, another commenter looking at the finer detail in the pictures – it was no mean feat capturing that rabbit on camera.
      Anyhow, I am just about to reveal all… well, in about an hour :-)



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