Marbled Fruit & Nut Chocolate Bark


I love Marbling! I love the concept! Especially when I was young and you got to marble and dye white t shirts in school! I find it fascinating when you cut through a marble cake where all the vanilla and chocolate sponge is entwined into one another.

So I used this marbling technique to make some chocolate bark for Diwali and the new year we celebrate. I couldn’t go without making something sweet like this for my first diwali post.


My little one was extremely eagar to help me?!! I wonder why? He sat on the work surface and watched tentatively at the whole bark making process. The only thing he had his eye on, was the shiny silver spoon smothered in melted chocolate! I gave in and he enjoyed licking the spoon clean!


Ps ~ If he wasn’t there I would have done the same lol!


200g plain chocolate
200g white chocolate
โ…“ tsp almond extract
Flaked almonds



Break the white chocolate into pieces and place on a bain marie. Melt the chocolate gently. Once melted turn off the heat but still leave the chocolate over the water


Simultaneously melt the plain chocolate over another bain marie


Line a rectangular dish with some silicone paper. Once both types of chocolate are melted, pour the plain chocolate into the dish


and then the white chocolate on top. Add the almond extract gently


Get a fork and swirl the two types of chocolate into one another and spread it gently as you go along into a rectangular shape


Take a handful of raisins and place them onto the chocolate and then sprinkle the flaked almonds into the gaps



Set aside for a few hours in a cool place. Not in the fridge as this will discolour the chocolate

Once set, break into shards so that the bark looks rustic…gift it quickly if you want to, as you’ll end up eating it faster than you think!


84 thoughts on “Marbled Fruit & Nut Chocolate Bark

  1. For some reason, as much as I love chocolate, I’ve never been tempted to make homemade bark. Until now! This is *so* pretty! And I love the touch of adding almond flavor, one of my current addictions. Well done!

  2. Yum, marbling is such fun isn’t it! I love making marble cakes just so I can cut into them and see the beautiful lines. Great idea to add fruit and nut, love it ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  3. Pingback: Nut Bark | scott mercer

  4. How artistic you are Shivaay! Did I guess your name right?

    Did you mean grams on the weight? I have never seen mg only in medicine??
    At any rate I would love to reblog it on Cooking Up a Storm With Miss Polly and maybe even my parent/children site called

    Let me know if the measurements are really mg instead of grams, though I think it must be grams.

    • Hi Sonal! Thank you! I must admit I didn’t make the bark recently but thought it will be a nice time to re blog for valentines day. However I did make something sweet yesterday for valentines! Can’t wait to share it with you all xxx

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