Holy Spirit, Holy Energy,

As the week lengthens and our stamina wanes,
we seek the extra strength that will sustain our souls.
From bulletins to PowerPoints, we are glued to computers
as we perfect the tools of our worship.

But you are not calling us to perfection.
You afforded us human energy and minds,
Not super-computers or brains of perfection.

In this sacred week
when we follow Jesus into the shadows and back into the light,
allow us the grace which points to a sacred story
and not a perfect pastor.



The Rev. Michelle L. Torigian is the Senior Pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Belleville, Illinois. Her essay “Always a Pastor, Never the Bride” was in the RevGalBlogPals book There’s a Woman in the Pulpit. She also has chapters in the books Sacred Habits: The Rise of the Creative ClergyA Child Laughs: Prayers for Justice and Hope and When Kids Ask Hard Questions, Volume 2. Torigian blogs at http://www.michelletorigian.com.


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