Intriguing & Impressive

…AMY….The Amy Winehouse Documentary Review…

amy-winehouse-jpgBy- DeoVonte “Deo” Means

As new generations usher their way into the relevant fold, you find yourself committed to paying homage to those of your era whom broke the barriers and made a profound and everlasting impact upon the game. Without any question, comment or concern; Amy Winehouse is that “one” of the “Grown & Sexy” era. A lyrical genius that imploded the understanding of the man/woman of profound thought. Her lyrics and the blunt poetry of her words, melody and originality transcended ALL demographics. She has been hailed as the modern day Nina Simone! While other artist frolicked in the shallow space of booty clapping, synthetized music; Amy’s revolutionary artistry on Back to Black took the 2008 Grammy for Album of the Year over Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake, Jay Z and Rihanna. As a strategist, I must admit, her recipe for success was not complex. She simply and organically formed an equation of mixing the 50’s & 60”s Jazz melodies while utilizing her skills as a provocative poet to lay some of the most profound lyrics of our time. Her vocals were raw, smooth and adorned with immaculate perfection! I was a bit taken back when I discovered many of my younger yet upwardly mobile followers only connected Amy with the Glee episode that was done in her dedication. My heart went out to those whom are unfamiliar with “Love Is A Losing Game”… “Valerie”…”He Could Only Hold Her”… “Will You Love Me Tomorrow.” In my opinion, Amy Winehouse Back to Black and Lauryn HillMiseducation– holds the title of the most provocative and groundbreaking of the era. From start to finish, both are still in replay and awe inspiring. I was over-elated when I heard a big screen documentary was being made on the young genius that left a footprint on the world but tragically passed in July of 2011 at the age of 27.

Amy-Winehouse-CelebFinancialWealth_ComThe documentary, Amy, released to theaters everywhere on this past Friday, is a brilliant masterpiece that’s executed flawlessly. It explores the Amy years from her childhood to her eventual death. It illustrates the levels of genius this lady possessed that up until this time was only intimate knowledge. The media enjoyed portraying her as drug addict and alcoholic whom only became worse with fame and wealth. This is by far the most untrue. The documentary clearly illustrates the hurt and pain that laid underneath the surface of the public Amy that led her to find recluse in drugs, sex and alcohol. She was a true artist! She only wanted to be known by the merits and skill of her craft. She never wanted or knew how to adjust to plights of fame. She experienced the same confusion and loneliness that many of us experience in new situations. The soundtrack throughout the movie is drawn from her two albums, and although the songs immediately brings back a rejuvenated sense of reflection; the director has found a charming and witty way to convey to the audience the thoughts, events and trajectory that led to the composition.

UMG-Debuted-Amy-Winehouse-Documentary-Trailer-News-FDRMX-1024x5761I was left with closure. After Amy’s death, I had so many questions and never knew why. I stand in no judgment now. I understand…The documentary left not only questions answered but it left me with a final observation about the lady whom artistry I adore. The Amy Winehouse documentary is by far one of the most impressive and brilliantly told stories I’ve seen in while. It demonstrates the immaculate talent that God gave her and reassures me that God does in fact touch each of us with a talent he solely wants us to possess….it’s divine…..immaculate….. Personally, I just wanna create immaculate beauty and be a provocative and profound voice before I leave this earth…just leave a foot print…..Amy accomplished this with ONE major album before hitting 30….My glass is raised…Deo

Official Trailor….

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