Charge #19 mailed to JRGS members!

Photograph by Thomas M. Mingus of York, PA. Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.

Issue #19, as with all previous issues of the hard copy Charge! Civil War newsletter, has been mailed on-time and should arrive in your various mailboxes within the next few days. Debi and I are winding up our fifth year of publication of this “fanzine,” which has become the most popular Civil War-only miniature wargaming publication in current print. We thank you, the readership, for your support all these years, especially when I was thinking of stopping the effort, and with renewed energy and passion, we look forward to the 6th year!

This issue begins with a revealing interview with gamemaster and Charles S. Roberts Award winner John Hill, whose authorship of the Johnny Reb rules have provided so many hours of entertainment (and a little controversy at times!) for thousands of ACW buffs and wargamers around the world. We present three original ACW 15mm scenarios that are convertable for other rules sets such as Regimental Fire & Fury, Mr. Lincoln’s War, Johnny Reb 2, Civil War Commander, A Glint of Bayonets, and others. These scenarios are for the battles of Cloyd’s Mountain (in the early campaign for what became the new state of West Virginia), Ezra Church (in the Western Theater’s Atlanta Campaign), and Peralta (way out west in the Southwest). Three widely different scenarios from three widely different campaigns!!!

German wargamer Burkhard Schultze, a veteran contributor to the the wargaming Charge newsletter, returns with an interesting article on improving the basing your figures. Scott Mingus and Larry Reber collaborate on a tongue-in-cheek look at the Union Army’s most innovative method of training new officers.  Larry also writes about General John Buford of Gettysburg cavalry fame, and presents a custom-made miniature of the innovator, whose tactics are still studied by the modern U.S. Army. Writer Lee King presents an article on building terrain for the budget-strapped gamer, a well-timed article considering the price of gasoline in the USA and in Europe.

For information on how to join the Johnny Reb Gaming Society and receive Charge magazine with your membership 4 times a year, please see our web page.


Categories: Charge newsletter, Civil War wargaming, Johnny Reb 3 | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Charge #19 mailed to JRGS members!

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