Didn’t We Almost Have It All

The first album my daddy bought me on casstte was Whitney. It was August 1987 and we were in Orlando, Florida for our first holiday (which wasn’t to Kenya).

The number one song for those two weeks was “Didn’t we almost have it all”. Since then, its been our household’s Whitney anthem.  When we woke up today the song that we thought of was this one, even though we were in different continents away from each other.

Like all who loved her songs, it’s been a sad day. She may have had her demons and “bad habits’ but she was a beautiful gifted singer with a voice that cannot be matched.  There will be tweets, blogs, and other forums mentioning her today. My blog is for the singer who occupied my brand new walkman and my ears for two weeks in Orlando and for my life since.

Unfortunately she never did a proper video for this song, so here is a live version for your viewing pleasure…

Rest in peace Lady W.

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