Feeling Thankful


Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive lately. I did have my meeting at school yesterday and I do believe we made some headway. Already, two teachers have followed through on their part of the 504. The new principal was clear that teachers do not have the option to comply or not, they must comply. Only 3 out of 6 teachers showed up so that was disappointing but baby steps are better than back steps. I am exhausted and drained today. These meetings and my constant fight to stand for what’s right takes its toll on me but I will not back down. Someone has to do it and somewhere along the way, I have been chosen. It is in my nature to be an advocate for kids. I just cannot help myself. Your kids, my kids, the neighbors kids and every other kid out there is my responsibility. It is my mission to stand up and fight for what is best for everyone, not just myself. I have been shunned, called names, humiliated, been left standing on my own but I will never give up. I just need to recharge and take it easy today. Thanks again for all the advice and encouragement. I really appreciate everyone’s kindness.

24 thoughts on “Feeling Thankful

  1. You go, Mrs. Heck, even if Sue doesn’t make the cheer leading squad or class president. 😛 But, try not to exhaust yourself too much. Sometimes there are easier routes that won’t drain your life force if you can find them. Don’t rush head first every time.

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  2. I disagree with the above comment. I have an autistic son. If you don’t dive in head first nothing gets done. If my wife and I didn’t fight furiously and assertively for our son, these teachers wouldn’t give him a second thought. They act like he’s a fucking inconvenience. Doesn’t have a damn thing to do with cheer leading or class presidency. It has to do with them doing their damn job, even though it may take a bit more effort with my son, or others’ children. Life force draining? Try dealing with incompentancy and imbivilance, not to mention laziness, at every turn. Teachers should teach, and not just to future Mensa members. My son isn’t perfect but he deserves to be educated just like the “normal” kids. I applaud you for jumping in head first. I wish more would. Maybe we wouldn’t feel so utterly alone.

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    • Amen! It’s such a shame we have to beg for what they are entitled to in the first place. People who have never had a kid who struggles in school have no idea how much those parents have to do at home. It ruins family life, drains the life out of you and they can’t even be bothered to send you lousy notes so you can teach what they are not able to. I feel your pain 😦

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      • No doubt! Is it so hard to send a study guide home? We will do their job for them, used to having to do so. But us a little bit of hint as to what we need to study with him. God! It’s like giving someone a book but not teaching them how to read! I’m with ya. I’m struggling a bit right now, hanging on by a thin thread. Jokes about Susie cheer leading and other general shit certainly don’t help!

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      • I totally understand your analogy. Whatever the case, it is the job of a teacher to teach period. Many of these teachers give handout and read and fill in answers to learn. That is not teaching and it doesn’t work for kids with reading comprehension issues. I am so grateful to teachers who utilize several teaching methods to reach every type of learner in the class. Thank God for them. They are a blessing

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      • I totally agree. We’ve been blessed with a couple of good ones over the years. But the most caring and helpful were the teachers assistants, not the teachers themselves, mostly. It’s tough to deal with incompetent teachers in addition to having a special needs child. Very frustrating at times. Their school likely hates seeing us come in the front door because we’re likely about to chew some ass! We will stand up for our kids.

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    • In case there’s some confusion here, I am not saying mom should kick back and forget the concerns for her son getting educated the way she would like. I am simply looking out for her own batteries and picking up on the nervous energy that (from my perspective) might be at risk of stressing her out. I can’t speak for the teachers; they might be doing all they can handle…or not. But, from what I hear/read of this motivated mother, she may be pushing herself so hard that she’s cracking beneath the surface. She speaks of depression and other mental maladies. From my own experience with the same, I am suggesting a retraction on the throttle just to get a grip on her sanity. And, diving in head first is how fools rush in to disaster. Again, from experience. But, sure, to get some things done, we must get moving/driven and knock down a few doors, on occasion. Yet, again, without knowing all the variables, I can’t say or speak for more than what I read, which includes what she is going through emotionally/mentally. If the nurse can’t treat because she wore herself out, what good is she? The nurse has to look after herself as well as the patient.

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  3. Just Plain Ol' Vic

    I am going to take a middle of the road approach, compared to the two comments above.

    As a parent, we cannot idly sit back but have to be active advocates for our children. However I realize that in the public school system, many of our educators are overworked and underpaid, as well as potentially not being fully trained to handle every situation (my son has a hearing disability, which requires accommodations that need to be made by the school).

    So I view being active with my kids school and teachers as a partnership. Teachers appreciate parents that are active with their children and communicate with them (not blame them for everything).

    To make a blanket statement that they are all “lazy” is sloppy thinking. I hold myself responsible for parenting my child and I hold their teachers responsible for their education while in school.

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    • I have tried the partner approach for years. 50% of the time it works and the other it doesn’t. All I ask for is the notes so I can understand the information I am trying to bring my son up to speed on which despite being in his 504 They should do anyway because his writing hand is broke. I try and give teachers the benefit of the doubt but I work with him every single night until 8 or 9 o clock. I don’t think I should be doing that much. Having the notes instead of me reading the chapters of books I only have access to if the teacher has a website is unfair. I live in Oklahoma and there is such a teaching crisis that they allow anyone with any type of college degree to take 3 tests and if you pass you can work as a teacher. Crazy but I’m thinking about doing it myself.

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  4. Sometimes, we can get the ones we help to help others.
    Good for their character growth (compassion, love, empowerment etc) , and everyone shares in helping each other. You will win some, you will lose some. But a fire kindled and maintained can be very beautiful and help give light to the world. Just my 2 cents. 🙂

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