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16 replies »

  1. I never imagined that the Eiffel Tower steps would be yellow. I guess i just presumed they would be a metallic grey. Both photos are lovely, but the first one is like some magical abstract art.


  2. I’m quite well behaved really, even when photography calls! I had a ticket 🙂 But it was so wet and windy that the top of the tower was closed. You couldn’t even walk around the other side of the tower for fear of being knocked over by the wind. The upside was that i had to look more closely at what was around me – wet steps!


  3. Debbie – this is an example of what you do – you give us angles and views that we do not normally see – and these yellow tower steps – just cool. and the lighting in the first one – that cool night feel and wish I was there.
    and my dear, I hope you did not get in trouble for sneaking on the tower in the wee hours of the night… (jk)


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