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Looking Down on the Grand Canal

-Look Up, Look Down Challenge, Week 40

Every Thursday, I publish a post containing photo(s) taken from above or below, and invite you to join in the challenge by posting your own photos with an up or down perspective.

I’ve just this minute arrived back from an amazing photography trip to Venice.  More on that over the next week or so, but for now I’ll whet your appetite with a couple of shots looking down on the Grand Canal.

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The Challenge

Click here to enter the challenge

Welcome to week 40 and a huge thank you as always to those who entered last week.  As I’ve been away all week I haven’t had a chance to look at your entries properly – apologies, but I will catch up soon.

You can see all of the entries from previous weeks on my Pinterest board if you are seeking inspiration, or are just plain nosy.

All are welcome; please share your up or down perspective with us.  Simply create your own post as normal, create a link to this challenge and then click here to enter your link and to view other entries.  If you have any difficulties with the linky, please just leave your link in a comment below and I will upload your thumbnail.

Finally, please don’t forget to go and visit the other challengers and pass on your views and encouragement.

To find out more about how to enter, click here.  The linky list will open each Thursday at 00:01 GMT (or a bit before) and will be open for a week.

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Linked to Water World Wednesday and Scenic Weekends.

20 replies »

    • I was very lucky with my hotel choice. It was recommended by a fellow blogger and I didn’t realise it was right on the Grand Canal or that it had a roof terrace!

      Sent from my iPhone



      • very cool – and I meant to say amazing view – but nice slip for a photographer – to have the aiming view! ha!
        and I am in for this week – have some shots of NYC – and also threw some old “looking up” photos into a slideshow – anyhow, hope you have a grew weekend Debbie!


  1. Next time I’m going to go on a gondola ride, no matter the price, lol! From up high are the greatest shots for such a large area- beautiful!


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