MAKE IT A GREAT DAY: Friday, February 3rd

It’s a brisk morning with the sky already filled with light. The nearly forgotten sunshine is a most welcome visitor.

Tuesday evening, I set out the trash container for Wednesday’s haul away, as well as my big white office chair. The chair still functioned perfectly, but it was worn in a few places. I thought of taking it upstairs but I decided to set it out as it’s so large and a space hog in my study. By 7 AM, without posting a curb alert, the chair had been rescued. Ironically, I had several ads on social media for identical chairs. LOL!

Today is the fourth anniversary of my younger brother’s passing.

By 3:30 PM, I should be posting some big, exciting news from The Haasienda.

I’ve still a number of emails to answer and it frustrates me that I’m not as efficient. I hate dashing off personal emails as though they are not appreciated with my hurried response.

Yesterday was spent in bed due to an MS hug, a most unwelcome visitor that took the punch out of me. I watched a lot of documentaries.

It’s a big day at The Haasienda and I have some tasks that require my attention, and I’m planning on a nap to keep my energy paced.

Make it a great day!

About Wright Flyer Guy

Darin is a single adoptive father, a teacher, playwright, and musical theatre director from Kettering, Ohio.
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