You Make The Call! – Phyllis’s Fun Photo Contest AND The January Pitch Pick!

Happy Monday, Everyone!

Today is all about YOUR thoughts, YOUR opinions, and YOUR votes!

That’s right.  We’re going to have a voting extravaganza!

First, the January Pitch Pick for Would You Read It.

Our brave pitchers have all revised their pitches per your helpful comments.  Please read through them and then vote for the one you think deserves a read by editor Erin Molta!

#1 Wendy – Civil – MG
Five seventh graders are thrust into a secret time-traveling society and are soon fighting for their lives in the bloody battlefields of Gettysburg. The sensitive jock, popular cheerleader, African transfer student, feared social outcast, and 9-year-old technical genius had better work fast: Their own world is becoming increasingly dystopian and their own school hallways increasingly dangerous.

#2 Linda – The Good For Plenty Bibs – PB – ages 4 and up
When Jake outgrows his birthday overalls, he calls them the “Good for nothing bibs,” but Granny disagrees. With a stitch here and a stitch there, they travel through the rest of the kids. When the youngest, Annabella, also outgrows them, even Granny admits defeat: they’ve lost their midnight blue, their October sky blue, and even their milky morning blue. Now Annabella disagrees. With her brothers’ help, and a clever plan, their surprise leaves Granny speechless.

#3 Catherine – Cheeku The Cheeky Chinese Chicken – PB – ages 4-8
A chicken hatches an eggsiting escape plan when she discovers it’s more than scrambled eggs the chef is putting on the menu.  She karate-chops her way through the Chinese Temple and passed the cunning cats with help from flying feathers.

#4 Elaine – Slurp, Slurp, Slurp – PB – ages 4-8
When Becca receives a gecko for her birthday, mayhem ensues when the crickets that were bought to feed it, spill to the floor. Slurp Slurp Slurp is quirky and written in the cumulative picture book style- with some spirited twists to keep it fresh and fun for re-reading.

It’s a tough choice, I know!  But please cast your vote by Tuesday February 12 at 7 PM EST so I can announce the winner on Wednesday’s WYRI.

And now, it’s time for another vote!  Who do you think should win Phyllis’s Fun Photo Contest?  I have selected my favorite photo from each contestant, but if you click on their name, which is a link (except for Linda who doesn’t have a blog) you can see additional photos where indicated.

#1 Linda

#3 Erik
#4 Catherine additional photos here
#5 Delores additional photos here
#6 Dana (whose image I can’t copy and paste so you’ll have to click the link – sorry!)
#7 Lauri additional photos here
#10 Cathy additional photos here
#11 Romelle additional photos here (and I had 3 favorites but only posted one! :))
#12 Heather additional photos here
#13 Alayne additional photos here
#14 Coleen
#15 Teresa
#16 Janet
#17 Laura additional photos here
#18 Robyn (definitely click the link to see her video! :))
YIKES!  18 amazing entries!  Please vote for your favorite and tell everyone you know to come vote because with 18 we might never get a majority unless we get a lot of votes!!!  Please vote by Wednesday February 13 at 11:59 PM EST.
And now, after all that agonizing to make such tough decisions, go take a nice bubble bath 🙂
from Romelle’s photo shoot 🙂
Have a great day, everyone! 🙂

44 thoughts on “You Make The Call! – Phyllis’s Fun Photo Contest AND The January Pitch Pick!

  1. Robyn Campbell says:

    That Phyllis! What a globe trotter. 🙂 I voted. Hugs to you both and tell Phyll Mr. Ed misses her. (He's pining away) 🙂

  2. Alayne Kay Christian says:

    This was no easy task. There are so many good picks. Great job everyone. Good luck! And thanks for the Phyllis fun!

  3. pennyklostermann says:

    The pitch I'm used to…so I pondered a while and then made a decision!

    The photos…Oh! My! Goodness! What an unbelievably tough choice!!!! They are all so cute and creative. But, I finally made a decision.

  4. Romelle Broas says:

    Voted for the pitch contest. But oh my! The photo contest is going to be difficult. Just one vote? Ay ya ya… I'm going to have to sit on this for a while…or better yet, soak in a bubble bath like Phyllis to contemplate this one.

  5. Teresa Robeson says:

    Argghhh! I don't like having to choose. LOL! Seriously, when I go to stores, I wish they only have one option for each item so I don't stand there staring at 300 types of jelly to buy, for example.

    But I voted…good luck to all the entrants!!

  6. Janet Johnson says:

    Making us vote 2x! And both super hard votes. Way to wake us up on a Monday. 🙂 But votes are cast. Phyllis really has been busy this week! 🙂

  7. Vivian Kirkfield says:

    Not fair, Susanna! I want to read ALL of those pitch pick stories.:) But I did vote. Each of the stories sounds like a winning manuscript.

    And the Phyllis photo contest was even more difficult (because there were so many more entries :). I really needed to pick at least a dozen…but, because you are making us do this…I only voted for ONE.:) Congratulations to all…such creative ideas…a lot of time and effort went into these. Head over heals about peanuts.:) Riding on a horse.:) Taking a bath.:) Running to raise funds. 🙂 Having a tea party.:)
    Oh my gosh…what wonderful ideas!

  8. Tracy Campbell says:

    All of the pitches were great. It was hard too pick, but I knew I had to make a decision. So I did, but cant tell. It was even harder picking Phyllis' shanagins. They were all awesome. I did though 🙂

  9. Susanna Leonard Hill says:

    Thanks for entering (especially your awesome video!) and voting, Robyn. And Phyllis sends Mr. Ed 12 tasty apples, 11 flakes of hay, 10 quarts of sweet feed, 9 orange carrots, 8 clover flowers, 7 cubes of sugar, 6 quarts of oats, 5 PEPPERMINTS!, 4 acres of pasture, 3 horse friends, 2 furry hugs, and a BIG KISS FROM PHYLLIS GROUNDHOG!!!!!

  10. Susanna Leonard Hill says:

    It's important to come out of the gate full speed ahead, Janet 🙂 Thanks for voting! And Phyllis is now lounging in a bubble bath eating strawberries, so I'd say she's resting up pretty good after her busy week! 🙂

  11. Pamela Courtney says:

    I had fun revisiting all those pictures. Phyllis looks as if she had a blast! She's quite the social butterfly isn't she? I'm so glad you had so many to participate. Creative bunch!! It was tough to choose. And those pitches! They really did come back stronger, didn't they? Well I made my decisions for both. Can't believe we didn't have a chocolatey treat to tackle these tasks.

  12. Susanna Leonard Hill says:

    Phyllis certainly did have a good time! She loves the limelight… unusual for a groundhog I know, but there you have it 🙂 Thanks for voting – I know it was hard! And as for chocolate, you know that's for WYRI Wednesday, Pam. If we had it every day it wouldn't be special… hahahahahaha I couldn't even say that with a straight face! 🙂

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