Something new for Book Club Mom – Book Talk on YouTube!

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying something new, a supplement to this blog, because it’s never good to get too comfortable with the status quo, right?

So today I launched a YouTube channel and posted my first bookish video. I’ll be posting once a week and hope you’ll take a look here:

It’s a little longer than what I hope to post in the future, so if you get bored, remember that I’ll be cutting my next post by a minute or two!

I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my channel!

Thanks for visiting – come back soon!


35 thoughts on “Something new for Book Club Mom – Book Talk on YouTube!

      1. I recorded myself on my phone video to practice for a book reading once, just to see how long it took to read from Calmer Girls for 5 to 10 minutes. I have to say I’m not a fan of my voice, so if I ever get audio books done I’ll hire someone else! Your voice is fine. ๐Ÿ™‚

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      2. Hi Jennifer. Well we are our own most critical judges, aren’t we? I did a lot of takes and flubbed a lot of lines, but the last one was as good it was going to get. And I figure that anyone who knows me live already knows what I look like and sound like, so it wasn’t as big a risk as I originally thought. We all have an idea of what we sound like, but it’s never what it actually is! Thank you for reading, watching and listening. Hope you’re having a nice weekend!

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  1. You are a natural, Barbara! I would get completely tongue-tied with the camera in my face. Also, your hair is beautiful…it’s so thick! I like this idea! You should do a cooking dinner channel, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. Hi Jill! Thank you for these nice comments. I had very long hair up until last year, then I got it all cut off and it has grown back a lot. But I’m getting it cut again next week! As for a cooking dinner channel, well maybe… ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope you’re having a great weekend!


  2. Barbara, this is lovely and it’s great to see you and you’re a pro at this! Interesting to learn how Gillian is pronounced and about the book … sounds a bit too dark for me! ‘Commonwealth’ has sparked my interest though.

    I’m heading over to subscribe to your channel … look forward to the videos!

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    1. Oh, thank you, Tammie. Your posts are so creative, I’m sure you would be great with your own YouTube channel! I’m going to keep blogging, this will be a weekly supplement with different content. Thanks for your support!


    1. Oh, thank you so much. I had been thinking about doing a channel for a long time and was planning to launch it after the holidays, but I had some time last week and so I just went for it. It also helped to have tech savvy teenagers and twenty somethings around to go to for advice! Thanks for your interest, JP!

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