
Good morning all of God’s tenderly loved children!  And that’s all of us.  Good old Paul is still trying to shape us up in Romans. He not only says no quarreling, but to make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires.

Well, pooh! I’ve given up alcohol, stopped smoking, and as an 86 year old widow my chances of gratifying my fleshly desires are beyond slim. During Covid I switched to a low carb diet, so I even had to give up my addiction to jelly doughnuts. And to top everything off, in the last two years I’ve come to understand those I oppose politically. I think my addiction to feeling I’m right and anyone who disagrees with me is not only wrong, but bad, is my toughest one to get over. But feeling right and virtuous and judging those that disagree as evil is the definition of self-righteousness. And that was the sin Jesus pointed out most often.  It ends up making us push each other to extremes until we become blind to the need for balance.  Even old self-righteous Paul admits we all see through the glass darkly. Nobody knows all the truth and nothing but the truth…but God. The worst sin is pride because we are blind to it. Here’s  a repeat of the poem I wrote when reflecting on the “Body of Christ” in the scriptures.

The Broken Body

Reflecting on the Body,

you the hand, I the foot,

Christ the head and the heart,

someone else the hidden part,

I let the Scriptures

flood my mind with images.

Then suddenly an image

is so harshly real, I gasp aloud.

I see a figure staggering

and stumbling towards me,

arms flailing, head jerking

back and forth in spasms,

body parts all pulling

different ways.

This then, reality:

Christ’s earthly body now.

Lord, forgive us!

About Eileen

Mother of five, grandmother of nine, great-grandmother of five. 1955 -1959 Rice University in Houston, TX. Taught primary grades; Was Associate Post Director of Religious Education at Ft. Campbell, KY; Consultant on the Myers/Briggs Type Indicator, Was married for 60 years to an Architect in Middle Tennessee.

Posted on April 19, 2024, in A Sin of the flesh is self-righteousness., Addiction to Self-righteousness., Life as school. and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Wise words, and I struggle with the same things!

    Also, I love your poem. It shifted so well from a sort of peaceful reflection, to a disturbing intrusion of reality. The haunted figure at the end reminded me of demon possessed individuals in the Bible. I saw clear images in my head as I read. Well written!


  2. You are so introspectively honest Eileen. I admire your courage.



    Beautiful insight.

    You are not the only one whose BIG SIN isn’t adultery or gluttony, but self -righteousness. I’m almost 87 and like you, have no energy for the fun sins (except maybe chocolate and that’s not a sin😊).

    I think self -righteousness is really wanting to be God. I am all knowing, all wise, all everything and if you don’t agree with me, you are wrong. Period. Don’t tell me not to eat the fruit from that tree. It’s MY garden! I’m Adam, and I know best. Why should I listen to you?

    Have we evolved at all?

    Thanks again, Eileen, for stirring my heart and my brain.


  4. Well done, Eileen. The imagery is both gripping and horrific.


  5. THAT really is an image!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I tend to forget it when challenged, but God manages to remind me…..not very subtly sometimes! It’s not easy, but it keeps me seeking grace.


  1. Pingback: I needed to hear this. – alyssa

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