Follower of the Month for August: Cathy Mounts

Our August Follower of the Month is Cathy Mounts of with a wonderful healthy cooking idea.
Campfire Pouches
Campfire Pouch Photo Source: Cathy Mounts
Campfire Pouch
Photo Source: Cathy Mounts
There is something about being out in the woods that brings me a sense of peace. I can relax, I can be wondrous and thoughtful.  I can find healing and gratitude.  I can come back to the city feeling refreshed and renewed.
I have found tin foil pouches to be my number one favorite way to create delicious campfire meals, just the way I like them!  That smoky, campy taste is undeniably delightful.
Using heavy duty tin foil, pull off a sheet that gives you enough coverage for folding (about 12″x12″), fill with your favorite veggies, layering with the veggies that cook the longest on the bottom.  Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with your choice of spices.  Fold the foil and pinch edges to create a pouch.  Set on campfire grill once flames are lower and wood is hot.  Give it a shake every few minutes.  Usually cooks up quickly!!  Relax and enjoy.
Cathy Mounts is the author of the WordPress blog Foodradical.  Be sure to stop by and visit.  Cathy has lots of good healthy living and eating ideas.

Published by Espirational

Promoting creativity, peace and a positive lifestyle, one thought at a time and having fun along the way.

4 thoughts on “Follower of the Month for August: Cathy Mounts

  1. Reblogged this on foodradical and commented:
    I was honored to be chosen as a guest blogger by Rogene who writes a blog called Espirational. Check out the post I wrote for her blog! I am grateful and incredibly appreciative for the acknowledgement. I love the support and encouragement I receive from my fellow bloggers! Thanks!


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