Final Fantasy XV Demo Ditches Cars for a Better Player Experience

Polygon has interviewed Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata and discussed about the upcoming demo, titled as Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae. During the interview Tabata reveals that they first planned to make the car be available to drive in the demo, but they didn’t want people to be mistaken and think that Final Fantasy has become a driving game.

“Originally we were planning on making the car be available to drive throughout the world and throughout the demo,” Tabata told Polygon. “But we didn’t want people to mistake it and think ‘When did Final Fantasy become a driving game?'”

Tabata also stressed that instead of that, they are planning to “take things down a notch” and focus more on the character and exploration in the game’s seamless world. He also added that there will be “extreme improvement and evolvement” in Final Fantasy XV and they want to show new updates for the fans one step a time to avoid making too big changes too suddenly.

“You’ll be able to experience the starting point of what an open-world Final Fantasy would potentially feel like,” Tabata said. “You’ll really be able to experience that seamless Final Fantasy world within the demo itself, but then if you play it, you’ll still really get a sense that it’s a Final Fantasy game. You’ll get that balance within the demo.”

“We’ve re-thought the demo in order for it to be more playable and accessible to people who know the franchise,” Tabata said.

Polygon promised a full interview next week, so we are getting new details soon!

6 replies »

  1. This makes no sense. The car is supposed to be a big part of the game and now they are removing it from the demo for a “better player experience”
    What are they trying to say about the finally product? One of the reason for this demo was to get user feedback but they remove the car?
    I think the car mechanics are not ready and they want to rush the demo out and that’s why they removed the it. Also that would make the demo longer because you will need to run around.

    I was looking forward to trying out the driving in the demo. Really disappointed about this.

    • I’m also disappointed. Me too I think that the cars mĂ©chanic is not ready but the car will only be for our transport, it’s not a driving game! They want to concentrate the demo on the aventure side of the game. The car is more about the traveling side, I think! Anyway, it’s only a demo. Just tell yourself that the demo won’t spoil the punch about driving the car. I think It’s better then nothing. :)

    • From what I understood, they removed the car because of all the people who cried and whined like babies because they tough that FF-XV was going to become a racing game. So when a babies cries you just gave them what they want right ? If you are not happy point your fingers to those people, serve them right, they should be happy now. I just can’t for them to cry and whine now that they removed the car. Really people has just no glue of what is going on.

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