Beware of The Grinch in YOU!

grinch smallThe Grinch may be closer to you than you realize, whispering crazy things like how you NEED this or that! All the while, he pretends he is a fictional green creature in a cartoon…

Many of us have a little bit of the Grinch inside who takes over not only Christmas, but every good thing we can get our little Grinch hands on!

There is no such thing as the perfect CONSUMERIST Christmas! 

The PERFECT  Christmas lies in the heart, not in the wallet.


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5 thoughts on “Beware of The Grinch in YOU!

  1. Oh, sure, I just read this after sending an email to answer my parents’ question, “What do you want for Christmas?” 🙂

    It always bothers me when I hear people say that the true meaning of Christmas is giving to others. Although this is certainly close to the true meaning, Christmas, they usually mean gifts, material things, consumerism again. Christmas IS about receiving – it’s about receiving God Incarnate into our midst when Jesus was born, and into our hearts when we let God love us and transform us by his intimate and infinite love. Once transformed, we cannot help but give to others every day of the year!

    With the tune of the Grinch song in my head, hopefully I will remember your words for the whole year and not be a greedy Grinch! Blessed Christmas!

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  2. Pingback: Beware of The Grinch in YOU! – The Militant Negro™

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