MMGM for 9/9/2019


It’s National Teddy Bear Day! Click on one of our cuddly guests to take you to a blogger’s middle grade post.

I don’t have a teddy bear story at ALWAYS in the MIDDLE, but I do have a review of THE FIRE STALLION by Stacy Gregg

June McCrary Jacobs at Reading, Writing , and Stitch-Metic features a middle-grade cookbook compiled by Williams Sonoma of California entitled, The Complete Junior Chef Cookbook.

Maria Antonia at Of Books, Photography, and Tea reviews The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff.

Alex Baugh at Randomly Reading has an interesting book featured this week, Strange Birds: A Field Guide to Ruffling Feathers by Celia C. Pérez.

Beth Mitchell at Imaginary Friends has a review of The First Rule of Punk by Celia C. Pérez.

Patricia Tilton at Children’s Books Heal features Just South of Home by Karen Strong, a compelling story about a town haunted by it’s racist past.

Suzanne Warr at Tales from the Raven spotlights Babymouse: Queen of the World, by Matthew and Jennifer Holm.

Rosi Hollinbeck reviews 20 Recipes Kids Should Know. Rosi also has some not to be missed links for her writing friends.

Sue Morris at Kid Lit Reviews has a review of The Jumbie God’s Revenge, written by Tracey Baptiste.

Karen Yingling at Ms. Yingling Reads has another informative MMGM post. Be sure to check out today’s feature and her review the past week of BUTTERFLY YELLOW.

If you would like to join in the MMGM fun and get your own spot in the parade, all you have to do is blog about a middle grade book you love on a Monday (contests, author interviews and whatnot also count–but are most definitely not required) and email me the title of the book you’re featuring and a link to your blog at gpcolo (at) gmail (dot) com
(Make sure you put MMGM or Marvelous Middle Grade Monday in the subject line so it gets sorted accurately–and please don’t forget to say what book you’re featuring)
You MUST email me your link by Sunday evening (11 PM Eastern Time) in order to be included in the list of links for the coming Monday.
Thanks for spreading the middle grade love and for being a part of this awesome tradition begun by Shannon Messenger and carried on here at ALWAYS in the MIDDLE! (CLICK HERE FOR PAST MMGM POSTS)
*Please note: these posts are not a reflection of my own opinions on the books featured. Each blogger is responsible for their own MMGM content and I do not pre-screen reviews ahead of time, nor do I control what books they choose. I simply assemble the list based on the links that are emailed to me.

About Greg Pattridge

Climbing another mountain...always striving to reach the next peak in my life and career.
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2 Responses to MMGM for 9/9/2019

  1. S.A. Larsen says:

    There are so many amazing books out! Thank you for all the links. Hopping over now…

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