R.I.P BETTY Bowie…

(Short story /contents of this piece in its entirety are © Copyright protected 2024 ©)

Listen to Little Betty (Original Song Meep Mix) by Manicus + the Psychobabblers (Dead mans clothes) on #SoundCloud


A short story for.Bettys funeral …

However Betty is no ordinary dog ..
She is a googly boss eyed small doggie with magical powers and eyes off in different directions causing much laughter or fear in opponent’s for as a small dog She even repels larger beasts . Her eyes have magical powers of healing

As a magical dog she is a goddess

Mighty and small


BETTY IS PROUD OF HER CURVES boasting nine nipples!
The elders of the meep tribe felt Betty should float down to earth but they didn’t realised how Betty enjoys bossing bigger dogs as on planet meep She is the all powerful queen

Betty has one huge problem – her meeps tribe must contend with the fleeps – a race related to the legendary flea / fleaps are black and a bit scary

Betty’s favourite sport is the thistle stick back flip championships from which she excels whilst part of the Licky pink doggie team

Captain snarkle and the snorks are Betty’s greatest intergalactic allies . On the nearby planet of snork .

Captain Buster – a jack Russel god and captain Snarkle a french bulldog-and the snorks plan to help Betty and the meeps in their defence of meep from the fleaps.
The fleaps need meep for its boss eyed coloured eyeballs like the multiculored Betty Bowie the ancient queen herself with one blue eye and one brown
For the fleaps…the thought of the gift of vision – for the fleaps are blind .

Betty enjoys the very largest of barks and makes meep noises regularly causing most on planet meep to fear her – however as a kind hearted vulnerable meep dog she usually runs when attacked so the supreme foe thwackers descend on all foes with the powerful meep farty Fart machine which proves to be a true repellant !

Betty is sometimes known as Betty Bowie as her patron saint is lord david Bowie of the stardust constellation
Sometimes Bowie looks in on his angel pooch creation and sends some ziggy boogie woogie powers hence the trumpets of meep who entertain all local canine planets inhabited from what’s was once known on earth rather patronisingly as “ dogs” – who in secret ruled mankind and the planet

ANd so why is David Bowie interested ? Well long ago as a pup poor abandoned starving Betty was badly treated on earth leading to the fact that the very week David Bowie died Betty’s blue and brown eye were the sign that she must ascend to the heavens and so her hapless owner Ben watched her fly off in a meep beep flying saucer one Xmas eve to return to her homeworld of planet meep

For their with the lord Bowie powers she can rein suppress and protect all dogs – meeps – from he evil fleaps – fleas .
Occasionally moggggys try to compete from planet sphinx mog world nearby but Betty meep must rely on the Bowie powers of talismanic power to keep her from the scary cat .
However this all takes place as spiritual giants and guardians of the meep planet and canine universe – which in turn as God’s doth effect the dogs fleas and cats on earth
Betty loves meepville – planet meep might be the official name but to its inhabitants it is forever meepville .
Hail the meep!

© Copyright Ben Manning 2024

Little Betty, you’re the one for me

poem and song lyrics

© Copyright Ben Manning 2024

little Betty, you’re the one for me

funny little doggy only a few feet tall

So white and so funny she finds cheese yummy!

funny little lady. She bounces jumps and flounces

From an alien planet, little mad hatter

she gets fatter and fatter

One eyes blue the other’s brown

Betty Bowie the little clown

got given her the day he died

don’t raise your voice. It might make her hide

little companion always there

Skippy happy little hoppy meep beware

I really miss you. Can’t you see?

If I could, I travel across the sea

just you and me because …

Betty you’re the one for me. Your the one for me, your the one for me

Oh Betty. Oh Betty little Betty. You’re the one for me!…Oh Betty

Copyright Ben Manning 2024

little Betty ©

Below is a painted started in this life with Betty her alter ego Mad Mimi Meeps and protected by my mothers cat Tammy Temet the Egyptian god cat. Sadly Betty passed to the Spirit world and mid painting too.. . I finished it the day after she died ….i made her my extra ” Betty White”..she will always be my golden girl…i have nothing else good to say about California whatsoever…apart from the UFOs I saw. They were probably looking for Betty!

Listen to Betty (Version 2 demo mournful mix original song) by Manicus + the Psychobabblers (Dead mans clothes) on #SoundCloudhttps://on.soundcloud.com/37itP
BETTY SONG …Betty always adored this tune and her ears would prick up in excitement every time !!
Betty also loved Barking at the end ! In all the world Betty was the only creature of any type or anything that I could trust totally and have unconditional love…that was me and Betty.. Better Betty to have loved and lost! I’m grateful to God to have had Betty at all… THERE SHE GOES by the LA’S is a song I often sing for Betty… Had Meeps not been known as Betty While when I first was given her id have been tempted to call her Myrtle or Ethel. .Buttercup Betty the adorable rescue dog…many miss heard my accent in California and thought she was a Betsy !!!

I am proud to say that twice I saved Betty’s life somehow from the UK. Somehow by using online media and Meephychic powers, I managed to trace her when she had been kidnapped because I had her chipped in 2020. So it was nice to know that even though I was in England, I managed to save her life twice. Although apparently the people that kidnapped her fell in love with her, so I’m sure she would have been just fine! For 4 days she was missing and it happened twice in two years…My little pretty CANDLE In the Wind…the candle will never burn out of Betty the legend! Below is my original poem which i adapted to song lyrics eventually…Oh Betty your the one for me” poem © Copyright Ben Manning 2024

Little Betty, you’re the one for me
I really miss you. Can’t you see
If I could, I travel across the sea
To see you just you and me
No rows or Howl’s I promise
Cuz you were the funny little miss with magical powers. Give us a kiss!

Betty and Me
She’s an angel can’t you see
Funny little doggy only a few feet tall
Really she is like mount Etna
I wanted to call her Edna
She’s white and funny. Like an alien she bounces
Making people laugh. She skips and jumps and flounces
She’s from an alien planet called meep
Eats all day in the Cali sun gets fatter and fatter
She’s smart as a hatter bless her
She goes meep
One eyes blue one-eyes brown she special yours to keep
She’s a little clown
Betty Bowie
Got given other day he died
But don’t raise your voice. It might make her hide
Little better your friendly companion always there
Skippy hoppy little bossy One telling everyone what to do
Oh I so loved you

Little Betty, you’re the one for me
I really miss you. Can’t you see
If I could, I travel across the sea
To see you just you and me
No rows or Howl’s I promise
Cuz you were the funny little miss with magical powers. Give us a kiss!

“Oh Betty your the one for me” poem © Copyright Ben Manning 2024


Betty regularly found men would fall in love with her…it’s part of being a Californian Doggie sex symbol ! Below Betty experiences a passionate male fan ❣️

Below play fights with tragic Cookie taken one dark night by a Coyote…as I tried to save her helpless…more tragedy. Meep fans can at least reflect that Betty passed peacefully on her couch, albeit too young. Her health from birth being challenged with health issues…

Dont ask above the Hat….

Betty with TEARS IN HEAVEN to quote CLAPTON…her eye looks bad here bless her after the operation I managed to get got her all the way from the UK that saved her life. Tensions and issues may have led to the co owner having to have her put down on the advice of a CROOK California vet and luckily I heard the phone conversation and got the vet I knew to save her life! That 3 times at least that I save her life…her ability to squeak emotions talk with her eyes and soothe with humour with noises and extraordinary expressions as well as knowing when to look at me in the eyes and breathe a very human sigh to reflect my emotions only to jump up with glee. A true saver of my life on so many levels but a psychic healer mega pooch!

Never forgotten… irreplaceable… my Betty…met her the day DAVID BOWIE died…she’d been living with a homeless man a year in his car and was incredibly Thin.. Via my efforts to keep her cared for whilst in the USA she brought magic into my life as a companion I shall look forward to seeing in the next life…me and Betty “had so much fun” when she was young it was the Betty Bowie Rock!

The late legendary Film Director KEN RUSSELL was one of my favourite film makers of all time and my writing about his films got me noticed by his kind widow the famous actress LISI TRIBBLE who sent me this amazing tribute to BETTY…perhaps if KEN was around BETTY BOWIE…THE MOVIE might well have happened! Rags to Riches story the Pooch with the Smooch ! She came from poverty violence homelessness and Drugs. She was vulnerable in body but with the biggest spirit you could have and a heart the size of Big Ben…and she found sun sand and a little fame..she could not have been more loved by me despite me losing her …as we all do in the end …

Heres the genesis of a new painting Betty and the Ladybugs band currently top of the charts on Planet Meep! This post may become a section as with SYD BARRETT who BOWIE had more than a soft spot for..let’s hope he has met BETTY!

© Copyright opyright Images Ben Manning 2024

Yes money means everything here…but I’m priceless and I was free…i so wanted to bring her to the UK…tragic for me.


.BYE BYE BETTY was a huge hit for the doggy boy band Stray City Howlers about Betty in the 1970s! I wrote my own little CANDLE IN THE WIND…I hope my song BETTY is as special to Betty fans as.the ELTON tribute to Marilyn who Betty as a resident of California had so much in common with as a Meep Symbol.

I once woke up one morning to Betty licking my forehead. It was very sweet and I shall never experience that again I doubt and certainty hadn’t before to experience such a loving moment…below my first sketch of BETTY AND THE LADYBUGS. Full painting to follow…

it’s been suggested to me that Betty might have died unpleasantly due to matters outside.my control. The tragedy of this breaks my heart all the more.as I made incalculable efforts to save her and I was thwarted. I can only pray Betty did die peacefully as I was originally informed . If it was anything else there is no way I can bring justice and such thoughts are terrifying. I pray she passed peacefully as I was originally told but whichever way around she is at peace now. I’d have tried to slim her down as I did when I was there but Betty has a love affair with food as a result of puppy neglect before I knew her as she had been the ” thin white ” pooch when I first knew her and her expressions were heartbreaking if she didn’t get her own way as food was everything to her everything from Ice cream to cheese! Some day I hope to find and include a photo i once had of her with an Ice cream pot carton stuck on her head with her head stuck in it! Betty loved it! Let’s pray she didn’t suffer Folks…she isnt suffering now and can eat harmlessly for all eternity…yum. The below from 2 months before her passing gives me hope and solace. Betty was a little fighter with a big heart. Loyal to the last to her patch. However the surroundings…Betty should have been a famous movie star she even has the Marilyn Monroe sad end though I am sure she was taken peacefully was the little not so thin white Meep. Poor little Betty…let’s all love her for all eternity!

Below her first photo shoot with the BOWIE shirt I still own. And some of her in the early days….night night Betty…

Betty meep Bowie the little white Rock star has left this dimension…here before her eye accident that nearly killed her…again from a vet I had met whilst in the USA I was able from the UK to get the vet id met to save her life and her eye…a survivor…Betty looks like one of the great DAVID BOWIE HEROES here of the pooch variety … R.I.P 2012?? (Birth date unknown I met her Jan 2016- last saw her Feb 2022) – passed away in her sleep Sunday 5th May 2024

PAUL WELLER was right…Your the best thing that ever happened to me….A last few precious photo’s…

Yes she was my best friend denied me . I guess it gave me time to prepare for the likely scenario. Yes I’m a big man but I’ve never been so upset. Betty could melt the biggest scariest people who would find a dark or sad heart was filled with God’s and Betty love and magic…unique and special. At Church the vicar said she is in heaven waiting for me She was so funny I will keep her in my pocket till die to show the doggy I once knew that smiled when she saw me…

Id never been so happy as with Betty…Above we both are stoned in California, 2020! Tragic that I could not have stayed in the USA but it was undoable as was any hope of the UK for lots of reasons…but I’m grateful we had the best years of our lives together… unique…god bless you night night Googly eyed little miss spungle mung skutlers wheelies ball on legs fattie Scampi Betty and see you in another dimension on the other side in heaven..until then and we are reunited in eternity my little best friend…Au Revoir….x

A few last tragic image gallery of our last times together Betty looks into my black suitcase the night I had to leave . Feb 2022. Her face says it all. I’ve never felt so sick in all my life … devastating it was She knew…i never saw my Betty in the flesh again .i can barely look at this sad image of my girl seeing me leaving. I never had kids so it’s perhaps particularly hard for me…

Our last day…poor little thing. It was a cold day. Had I been able to smuggle her to England this would have been my outfit for her . The Chip she had I’d got for her with such an original plan did at least trace her when she went missing twice which gave me great satisfaction from England. Sickly as she was she was a fighter .

Her sad face the night I had to pack to leave . She’s happier now…I cried all way home

Betty loved her Grub ! Her expressions would guilt trip you into submission her mouth would tremble and her wide eyes imploring !!! You had to make her happy …

Americans love outfits I’m less keen but then she seemed to like to be an actress!

Goohly.eyed Betty farewell …for now …

Queen of the Meeps Betty Bowie at her premier in Hollywood for the Movie “Mighty BETTY QUEEN OF THE MEEPS… A THOROUGHLY MODERN MEEP”! In an alternative universe…they say alternative realities and Mandela effects are very possible so I’ve no doubt she is a household name with BB Meep Fans!

Mighty Meep she may have been but having been born into poverty and drug addict homeless owners she was so skinny and within months turned into a ball on legs which I tried to reverse! Poor little vulnerable fighter as she was she was a homeless dog and so this cover seems to fit perhaps as a musical epitaph.

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