
Let’s see now if we can sort out a few principles.

Life is what you make of it. There are certain constraints, but if persistently prodded and poked, most people will eventually succumb, and agree that this statement is generally true.

For a moment, let’s dispense with the idea of God, or any other higher being or deity of your choosing, and adopt an egocentric view.

The egocentric view, as I understand it, is that I (me! me! me!) construct my world as I want it.

Super, I have muesli with honey and yoghurt for breakfast every day at 06:30 while listening to piano concertos at loud volume and gazing dreamily at a lovely natural view which does not include the scar in the hillside made by the local cement factory.

All right, forget breakfast.

I am in control of my life.


The frosted window of my front door. Strange image of a face I have never seen before!
The frosted window of my front door. Strange image of a face I have never seen before!



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