Ebook Fraud Alert: Spread the Word

Site is illegally selling eBooks and making money that should be going to the author! Check the site to see if yours is on there, and then report to GoDaddy’s legal department if it is!

Kait Nolan

So we can all agree that book piracy sucks.  Know what sucks even more?  People trying to illegally SELL our work.  Courtesy of Google Alerts, I found out about 45 minutes ago that Red and Forsaken By Shadow are both illegally listed at Bkspc.com.  So are my friend Susan Bischoff’s books and a whole lot of others.  It’s not limited to just self published books either.  I’ve seen books by Carina Press, Penguin and other publishers on this site.

The site is hosted through GoDaddy, so it is important that you, as author, check to see if your books are listed, and then follow the directions below to file a complaint in order to see that the domain is suspended and have GoDaddy cancel this asswipe’s hosting.


B. Copyright Claims (from GoDaddy’s Legal Dept.)

1. If the Complaining Party would like to submit a copyright claim…

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One thought on “Ebook Fraud Alert: Spread the Word

  1. Thanks for the nod.

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