The Lords of Karma and MORE

L'Aura ~ in love, always xoCreation ~ the Creator Gods, DNA, human form, ALL reveal the uniqueness of creation. From the finger prints to the eyes, to the DNA.

Beyond that, which is mainly visible to most is the UNIQUE Frequency that one vibrates to and AS.

Each animal is a unique soul. We know all dogs are not the same, and why would we want them the same? We would not,  they are all unique Souls. Beings that also exist beyond the 3D world.

In this the Age of Aquarius, it is about uniqueness, invention, authenticity, wholeness and being consciously merged with the eternal divine Being. to consciously also become aware of being a master of form.

A master of form, means mastery of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies, through HARMONY.

Being a master of form is a state of being that already exists for YOU, now.

Because it is a frequency and already exists, you are aligning with it in this MOMENT.

What is taking place, is the removal of all that is not that, the removal of all beliefs, attachments, and resistance to what IS.

Beyond that karma of fear you are harbouring subconsciously is the contract that you agreed to be here and merge in Union with the you that is not fear based, time based or limitation based.

All beings on Earth that incarnate through the Earth program will all graduate and Ascend.

What matters is the focus on YOU and your evolution in the now moment, then all falls into place, effortlessly.

Memories that are energetically charged that have not been cleared in your subconscious, are up for transformation. This is what karma is. It is no mystery.

It is the baggage you carry with you, that is not the true you.

For now, let us focus on the TRUE unique Being that already exists as a master of form. As this is WHERE it is AT.

Now, we are merging you more, and clearing away those fears, that harbour in the so-called darkness which we bring to the LIGHT.

Some have called us the Lords of Karma, we Are The Divine Council of Overseers and we are present now and always. As it is NOW. In love.



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Posted on April 10, 2019, in A New Octave of Being, Abundance, Activation of Your Blueprint, Animal Souls, Beatific Glory, Becoming Light, Becoming Real, Being a Divine Master, Being A Light Being, The Pleiadians. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Supreme Love & Gratitude Beloved QOL & Divine Council of Overseers 🙂 Thank YOU for this Auspicious Grace ~ merging me more with my True Self ~ my Eternal Divine Self & clearing away fears 🙂 I release all fears & all that is not my Divine Self (through Divine Grace ~ Thank YOU!!! 🙂 ) effortlessly, seamlessly & harmoniously. My conscious dominant frequency vibration in all of my bodies is divine harmony ~ I become more & more aware of myself as a “master of form” ~ living & knowing only my eternal self ~ Source light. My focus is upon my evolution into full merge with my God Self ~ being ~ present fully in each moment. Living, experiencing my highest destiny in the life beyond my wildest dreams 🙂 Thank YOU Beyond 🙂 I Love YOU 4ever, Always, & Now 🙂

  2. Much Love for this massage thanks

  3. Irina Likholet

    Love and Thank You L’Aura and All Divine Forces for helping us in remembering who We Are!💖

  4. Thank you so much L’Aura and the Divine Council of Overseers, so grateful for the orchestration of all of this and all your assistance 🙏🏻 I love you! 💜💜✨

  5. Beloved L’Aura and The Divine Council Of Overseers, Thank you so very much! I Love You! 🙏🏻💜✨ xoxo

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura