Make the Most of Your Promotional Products

T-Jag thinks Post-It Notes are very useful!

T-Jag thinks Post-It Notes are very useful!

We talk a lot here about promotional products — after all, they are a large part of your business. But aside from the various ways these products can be used, there are some key ways to make sure you are using them to your best advantage. Here are some tips we’ve picked up from years of experience:

1. Make It Useful

If it’s not useful, it will — at best — be thrown away. And in some cases, people won’t even bother to pick up the item. I’ve seen similar advice on wedding blogs, advising against wasting money on favors that guests won’t keep. Wedding favors are, after all, glorified promotional products, and the same rules apply. People have to want what you’re giving away — which means it’s either a delicious food item, or something insanely practical or useful.

Sometimes this means going with standard items, like pens and Post-It notes — but guaranteed, people will use these items. That custom-shaped stress ball?

T-Jag models some beautiful, debossed silicone bracelets.

T-Jag models some beautiful, debossed silicone bracelets.

Maybe not so much. We’re always happy to brainstorm with you for a more unique item that people will want to take with them. (Like, say, an ice scraper as the favor for a winter wedding at a ski lodge!)

2. Make It Pretty

The coolest promotional product in the world won’t get far if it has an ugly design slapped on it. We’ve said the same thing about logo’d apparel, and it applies to promotional products as well: make sure whatever item you choose has an imprint that is visually appealing.

Not sure how to make your item pop with your logo? We’re happy to work with you to develop creative solutions.

3. Make It Work

T-Jag loves how well this pen writes!

T-Jag loves how well this pen writes!

A whole bunch of free pens are worthless if they don’t write. While we understand that price is key, quality should always be taken into consideration when you plan to use an item to promote your business. You don’t want a potential client associating your company with a pen that doesn’t work, right? We will work with you to find quality products for the right price; our years of experience working with various manufacturers allows us to go to the best, most reliable sources first. That saves you time and money.

For the comments: Have you successfully used promotional products? Share your tips below!

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2 Comments on “Make the Most of Your Promotional Products”

  1. Corporate Workwear February 17, 2014 at 8:24 am #

    Great Post! Thanks for sharing, I had been looking for ideas already to promote our promotional products business. And the above explain points will help to make it very proper for my business.

  2. archer June 2, 2014 at 9:28 pm #

    Great blog. I have got some idea here that is really useful to promote our business. I will apply promotional product to grow our business.

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