REVIEW: HALQA Productions – “Under the Mango Trees”

Friday 14th November 2014 was the opening night for new Production Company – Halqa Productions. Guests were treated to complimentary wine and cupcakes as an opener to the company’s first play “Under the Mango Trees” which was written by founder Simeon Chris Moodoo.


This production is described on the company website as “an experimental play that attempts to create a performance that is identifiably Trinidadian and by extension Caribbean.” The website also went on, stating that “the playwright uses the essences of the traditional enactments, traditional mas, folklore and cultural diversity of the people of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to deconstruct the traditional social conditioning of gender roles, politics and religious prejudices which exist in Trinbagonian and by extension the Caribbean society.”

Now, I’m unsure if the writers of this description knew the kind of expectation this would build in prospective patrons, but let me tell you, while I’m sure that this is the vision for the play, the actual production fell short of the expectations created. That said, I didn’t read the description before and so, thankfully I had no expectations.

What I should have known going in though, was that this play is not just experimental but incomplete (the entire production was approximately 45 minutes long). The production is being staged as a type of workshop and feedback forum to help flesh out the production. Now while in my humble opinion, the play should not have been staged without more of the story being developed, it has the potential to develop into a truly great piece.

This story is about a young couple facing their challenges. Now I wish I could say more and be more descriptive but really that’s all that was portrayed, and not in great depth. The story has many angles which could and should be explored, the most important of it for me would be to see how the relationship between Adafi (Zoë White) and Ryan (Kijana Lewis) developed and what led Ryan to abandon her at the alter. Another issue which appeared simply to be thrown into the mix without much forethought or linkage to the story is that of race relations between Ryan’s mother’s family and Ryan’s father. The different issues that the playwright attempted to highlight were disjointed and not fleshed out. The actual script is in need of heavy refinement and extrapolation.

Script aside, the actual production was commendable with very appropriate and creative use of lighting and choreography. The actors had compelling chemistry, the silhouette dancers added drama and intrigue and the touches of Caribbean culture made it relateable to the audience. The live music was a powerful touch, though with drums in such a small space there were the occasions where the vocals were overpowered. The Actors were captivating in their portrayals and the long dramatic pauses would have been more effective had there been more substance to the play. If the producers could have included physical props for the mangoes and ‘joint’.

This is definitely not a play for the kids, with some sexual content, and overall has great potential. I sincerely hope that the play develops properly and doesn’t disappoint when we see it again in a completed state.

Halqa Productions, if they choose better developed scripts, has the potential to be one of the better production houses locally. Their actual production can rival that of some of the more experienced producers and their drive to create original plays with thought provoking messages has this writer looking forward to future productions.

In this writer’s opinion, the play is unfinished and so to give it a full review would be premature. Did you see the play yet? What did you think? Let’s discuss!

If you haven’t there’s still time; the play continues this weekend at the Little Carib Theatre. Tickets cost $100 and $75 for students. This play is not intended for audiences under the age of 16.

One comment

  1. Hi, just for clarity to put the production in context, the play was showcased as ‘part’ of the Company’s launch. As such the intention was to show sponsors and possible sponsors the kind of work we intend to do (Give new directors, actors, playwrights, stagemanagers etc. a chance to do work in an environment that promotes creativity). Hence, the length of the production and the use of a feedback session to engage the audience. The event was not about the play, it was about the launch. I apologize if that ws not made clear. Thanks for the feedback though, it is much appreciated.


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