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It Is About Time

Well.  Time to make a serious change around here.  My shoes need replacing!  The current shoes I’m running in are FAR overdue for retirement.  As good as my Brooks have been, it is time to bid adieu.

They have been with me for some very serious, life changing events!

They have seen:

many pre-run strech sessions…

Many early mornings in Chicago racing races… or prepping for them…

Crazy long marathon training runs…

CARA 20 mile ready to run


They were guests at my wedding:

Even the photographer got a few shots (see above 😉 )

They were at the interview where I got a part time job at lululemon & were on my feet in a first trimester prego run (I didn’t know it but I was 5 weeks pregnant here):

a 26 weeks prego 5k:

and finally… a post baby 5k:

Many miles, many memories – these things are closer to me then some of my family.  They weren’t bought for their beauty – but I got a lot of green workout pieces because of them.  I’m going to make sure my next pair sees as much action as these babies did (well I’m not making another baby… or getting married again – but as far as races go 😉 )

Tomorrow I’m off to Fleet Feet, to see if my running stride has changed at all (I’ll blog more about this later) – Pregnancy can change your feet, so I need to have them rechecked for the correct size and make sure I still have a neutral stride.

It really is hard to say goodbye.  I’m sure these will sit in my closet for a while 😉 we really have bonded.

OH! and follow me…

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