The Coeymans Clowns, the FoC, Are True to Their Reputation: Thugs

26 Oct

We have this in from one of our contributors who attended the Coeymans Town Board meeting on Thursday, October 24, 2019, at the Coeymans Town Hall. He wasn’t there on a Smalbany assignment but was there to address the board on behalf of a member of the Coeymans Business Association, because the member was out of town. He agreed and attended the meeting.

Coeymans Clowns’ Performance

He wrote to us with a description of what happened at that meeting. Keep in mind that he had never met the Friends of Coeymans, nor had he ever any interaction with them. He knew them only from media photographs. None of the FoCs ever met him personally. And as our almost 500,000 readers know, no one gets a by-line on Smalbany, and all articles are posted as if anonymous.

To avoid any further abuse and misuse of his name, he’s asked that we redact his identification but to print his message in its entirety, which we are pleased to do, unedited.

Resident attends Town Board Meeting. Meets Lequire, Boomer, and Hagen. Says they are three very childish clowns!

Dear Editor:

I was asked by a member of the Coeymans Business Association (CBA) to attend the meeting of the Coeymans Town Board on Thursday, October 24, 2019. I was asked to prepare some remarks on government support of business and economic development, emphasizing that it is not the role of government but a discretionary function.

I arrived about 15 minutes early at the Coeymans Town Hall, and greeted an old acquaintance, Ms D. Tanner, and others before finding a seat and going over my remarks.

I noted that the Friends of Coeymans, J. LaQuire, N. Boomer, and C. Hagen, were seated in the middle of the observer’s seating. I recognized them from media photos. I took a seat a row or two towards the front, in front of them.

Shortly after I sat down, I heard my name called out and associated with this blog. “Hey, that’s [name redacted]. He’s the Smalbany blog. He’s Smalbany.” I didn’t respond or turn around, thinking that if I didn’t take notice or response, they would get the hint I was not interested in their silly games.

I did think, though, “What are they going on about? What are they talking about? Where do they get their fake facts? Just let them go.”

Big mistake on my part. The name-calling and the derogatory comments only increased.

I finally stood up, acknowledged that I was aware of who they were and that I was not intimidate by them. I told them I wasn’t afraid of them or their bully tactics, and that I’m not impressed by thugs.

I told them that they were doing themselves no favors by acting the way they were doing, and that they were only confirming the general impression of themselves. They should show some respect.

They flung insults and appeared generally to want a flare up but I said what I had to say and sat down. They continued their childish nonsense but to no avail.

That was my first personal encounter with the FOC, as they call themselves, or as residents more aptly refer to them as the Fiends of Coeymans. They confirmed all of the rumors about their being bullies and thugs.

Enjoy the dance, clowns. Daddy McHugh will pull your strings.

What impressed me most is that they were denying everyone what they claim they are providing. They are intimidating people at public meetings, a violation of the Constitutionally guaranteed right of Freedom of Assembly; they are abusing people who want to enjoy the Constitutionally guaranteed right of Freedom of Expression. They disrupt the democratic process of public meetings and public comment. But worst of all, they appear to suck in the ignorant and the lonely, and use them. It’s heartbreaking to see two old women being used by those Clowns but I guess they’re OK with that. Free country, right? Well, not quite if you happen to be at a meeting with the Coeymans Clowns present. Neonazi convention is a more accurate description. Careful, you have no privacy. I was wondering if they stand at the urinal and video what’s going on. I get the impression they’re that kind.

They make complete asses of themselves and yet are apparently hurt like little children when they are accurately called “Clowns.”

One of the residents who addressed the Board during Public Comment picqued my interest and I approached her to learn more about what she had discussed. She would not talk where we were, indicating that they — gesturing in the direction of the FOC, LaQuire, Boomer, and Hagen — could hear, and suggested we go out into the lobby.

We went to the lobby and continued our conversation but then Jeff LaQuire was in our face with his cellphone, apparently video recording our private conversation. I asked him to stop because the conversation was private. He refused. I approached a Coeymans police officer, and asked him to have a talk with LaQuire, since we felt he was harassing us. The police officer looked at me as if I were from Uranus. He did nothing.

Finally, my conversation partner suggested we leave the building, the Town Hall, and go outside to continue our conversation “on private property.” Now isn’t that absolutely FASCIST, absolutely ridiculous?!? We had to leave our Town Hall because some thug, some bully would not stop harassing us and the Coeymans Police refused to intervene on my direct and specific request.

We had to leave the building to have a private conversation. Let’s try video recording an attorney and his client when they are discussing their case in the lobby on Court nite. Let’s see if the attorney can get a Coeymans Police officer to stop me. We have a doctrine of “equal protection,” in the United States Constitution. Apparently the Coeymans Police have not gotten that far in the required reading.

I am writing this and asking it to be posted because I can confirm that the Friends of Coeymans are everything people say they are: ignorant, childish, thugs, and bullies. How are they getting away with these public displays of fascist — that’s what we call neonazis, remember — behavior and animal conducts? Because other ignorant, childish, bullies enjoy the circus.

Barbara Tanner wrote a Letter to the Editor referring to the Coeymans Town Board meetings as a “circus.” I believe she was right. I personally experienced the center ring act, the Coeymans Clowns, they were seated behind me, followed me, and violated my civil rights. You can book them on the Friends of Coeymans Facebook page; I believe the head clown is Jeff LaQuire, the other two Nate Boomer and Chris Hagen, are just supporting clowns but clowns they are.

Thank you!

[Name Withheld on Request]

P.s. In order to avoid any tainting with emotions, I waited until the next morning to write this, hoping that my impression would be less severe than immediately after the incidents. No, I didn’t lose any sleep about it. They’re too silly, really, to take very seriously. After all, they are the Coeymans Clowns.

We hate to have to spill this to the author of the letter after all he has experienced, but our bet is that the Coeymans Clowns will have their videos posted all over their Friends of Coeymans Facebook page. That’s how they operate. We don’t visit their Facebook page because we get enough mail about it, complete with screenshots. It’s apparently the product of three sick minds attracting similar sick minds. We do know, however, that they LOVE the Smalbany blog and they spend many, many hours on this site. Apparently, they DO lose sleep over it, judging by the times they are on reading us.


The FoC Clowns are a bit “slow”, and they can’t dance.
(Left to Right: Jeff LaQuire, Nate Boomer, Chris Hagen)

DON’T MISS OUT!!! Read the Excerpts from Segments 1, 2, and 3 of the Crandall Interview:
Crandall Interview: Segment 1
Crandall Interview: Segment 2
Crandall Interview: Segment 3



7 responses to “The Coeymans Clowns, the FoC, Are True to Their Reputation: Thugs

  1. Anonymous

    October 29, 2019 at 3:22 pm

    Nate Boomer’s direct quote from the RCS CBA, ” I don’t know what the reasons are, I don’t know.. I’m not going to get into the politics, I don’t understand, it’s almost like there’s an opposition” Probably because people have done their own research. He kinda got into politics, to not get into the politics. This man just embarrassed himself to actual forward thinking individuals.


  2. Two two

    October 29, 2019 at 4:51 am

    Terri is the mother Rileys close friend. Teri and her husband treated Riley their own. Riley loves them, they were like family; lots of good memories with them. Teri is directing her comment towards Crandall. Like all of us who want justice!!


  3. Anonymous

    October 28, 2019 at 4:38 pm

    I found it amusing that the two video clips on the FOC page show two woman who clearly aren’t used to speaking in a public forum. For a realtor, I’d expect a local real estate seller with a proven selling record (there are many- she is not one of them) to be able to state her position. Instead there was a giggly woman all over the map, who barely spoke her bottom line. The Key Bank representative was articulate, but didn’t outline what she, and her bank would like to see. These meetings seem to be a huge waste of time,


    • Principal Editor

      October 28, 2019 at 5:05 pm

      Quite frankly, I don’t go to the FOC page. There’s nothing there worth reading.
      But I was at the meeting where those women spoke and I was not impressed. They used up a lot of air but said nothing.

      Both were from the RCS Community Business Association, Inc., the same organization that Aaron Flach hails from. The one woman is a realtor who claims to have been selling real estate in Coeymans for 18 years, but seems to have been doing it from her bedroom closet or somewhere dark. I’ve never heard of her, and I have my ear to the ground quite diligently.

      The other woman is a manager at one of the local banks. Again, a member of the RCS CBA. You’d expect here to be drum the “revitalization,” and to chant the marching song of get someone else to pay for the development and revitalization, and then cash in when it’s successful.

      I don’t think you’ll hear the first speaker’s remarks on the FOC page, not that they ever stopped recording or video-ing him or anyone he happened to be chatting with.

      To be clear, it’s not the meetings that are the waste of time; it’s the people who are “allowed” to freely speak without being intimidated either before or after they speak.

      The only reason why those two women spoke so freely and why they were video-ed and posted on the FOC site is because their performance was “scripted” and “staged” to support the Flach plan, and to embarrass the Crandall Board and to paint them as being unfriendly to business, which is a propagandist’s lie.

      I know better, and I’m not slaving at this blog because someone’s paying me big bucks. This is a labor of pure love, pure love of Truth and Integrity. It’s obvious I can’t say that about the two women who have clearly vested interest if not conflicts of interest, nor of Mr McHugh and his minions.

      Thanks for sharing your observations. My pleasure.


    • Principal Editor

      October 28, 2019 at 7:41 pm

      Of course I know who he is. And of course I want an investigation. We’ve already done quite a lot in this case. Haven’t you been following this? We’re the ones who first reported it!

      Who are you, anyway? Did you know Riley?




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