Changing the Subject for a Moment…Let’s talk about Nancy Warner.

26 Mar

We figure you must be a bit tired of reading about rogue cop s and animal abuse, so we’re going to change the subject for a moment.

Let’s Talk About Nancy Warner and Irresponsibility and Corruption.

Nancy Warner: Lean and Mean behind the Ravena Dem Machine.
(The hill-town version of angry-old-woman Nancy Pelosi)

When we talk about the failure of local government, we cannot avoid thinking of the Village of Ravena, New York, a nest of political incest if there ever was one.

The recent raccoon incident calls to mind Nancy Warner, a trustee, that is, a member of the Ravena Village council, and her history of idiotic pet programs and wasteful agendas. Warner is a relic from the past, from the “Mummy Mayor” era, and has a reputation for being a veritable Witch-on-a-Stick (we all know where the stick is, too). She likes her little coven of idiots; We all know the saying “In the village of the blind the one-eyed man is mayor.” Well in a village of halfwits, the idiot is wannabe mayor.

The Raccoon PETITION got 1.6 million likes on Facebook! As of this writing (March 26, 2018), the “Justice for raccoon killed by officers from Coeymans Police Department in New York Statepetition on Care2 now has 88,060 signatures of which 10,589 are from New York. The goal was 85,000 but the response was so great we’re looking for 90,000 signatures! Express your outrage and add your signature here. Please help get us to the goal of 90,000 protest voices!!!

One of the Coeymans Police officers driving one of the vehicles involved in the scandalous incident has been identified. Click here.

Ravena Village Trustee Nancy Warner in conference with Ravena Mayor “Mouse” Misuraca.

But let’s get back to the point. The recent raccoon scandal that was perpetrated by two Coeymans police personnel at Ravena’s trashy Faith Plaza, brought to light a number of problems. Of course, the first problem is making sense of how two alleged qualified law enforcement personnel could harass, terrorize and kill (by running it over after some 15 minutes of torturing it) a wild raccoon, and do this in a crowded parking lot to the absolute disgust and horror of dozens of people. The Coeymans police response: ‘They had to use their vehicles to ensure the public’s safety.’ This situation becomes even more bizarre when you think that the scandalous scene was perped not by one idiot in one vehicle, who we then could say was just stupid and have done with it, it was two idiots in two separate vehicles. We’d love to hear the radio exchange between the two morons as they got their perverse rocks off killing the raccoon. That chapter has not yet ended and we’re following it closely.

The trashy Faith Plaza in Ravena. Home of Shop’n Save, CVS, and Dolan’s Choices program. Owned by the “Christian” Aaron Flach family of Ravena.

This all happened because a caller from the Ravena CVS at Faith Plaza noted the raccoon “trying to get into the building.” The conclusion was not that the animal was hungry, curious, but that it had to be “rabid.” A call goes into the Albany County 911 Center, which routes it then to the Coeymans Police and, well, the whole world knows the rest of the story. (For details on how owner of Faith Plaza, Aaron Flach responded, please see the Hudson Valley 360 article, “Petition calls for disciplinary action for raccoon killing,” of March 18, 2018, the updated petition has 83,777 (9,620 in New York) as of March 23, 2018.)

Crandall has been cutting the police budget since day 1 of his taking office

When cornered, Coeymans Town Supervisor, Phil Crandal states that “the call should never have been given to the Coeymans police,” but Mr Crandall doesn’t say to whom the call should have gone. The Coeymans Police Law Enforcement Manual states clearly that animal control calls should go to the Animal Control Officer. The problem is that the Town of Coeymans doesn’t have an Animal Control Officer, and the Manual hasn’t been updated since 1998 (neither have the other chapters in the “Town of Coeymans Police and Village of Ravena Police” Administrative Manual, such as Traffic Operations or Recruitment/Promotion, etc.).Problem is, Crandall has been cutting the police budget since day 1 of his taking office.

The Village of Ravena Abolished its Police Department in 2006

But Ravena does not have a police department, it was abolished in 2006! Here’s the official act abolishing it on January 17, 2006:

Article II:
Abolishment of Police Department
[Adopted 1-17-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006[1]]
Editor’s Note: This local law also stated that it shall take effect 30 days after its enactment and is subject to permissive referendum. This local law was approved by the majority of the electors voting in the general election held 3-21-2006.
§ 22-6
Department abolished.
The Police Department of the Village of Ravena is hereby abolished.

The reason: to reduce costs involved with the operation of the Ravena Police Department. The result: The Coeymans Police Department took over law enforcement jurisdiction in the territory of the Village of Ravena.

Neither the Village of Ravena nor the Town of Coeymans has an Animal Control Officer

In the meantime, neither the Village of Ravena nor the Town of Coeymans have animal control officers, full-time or part-time. Again, the positions were eliminated for fiscal reasons. Eliminated to save money, that is. But while the Ravena Village Council and the Town of Coeymans are cutting public safety positions to save bucks, the Village of Ravena has no scruples wasting taxpayer dollars to pad the pockets of village “friends.” We’re referring to Nancy Warner’s pet project, the Ravena Fitness Center, for which the village of Ravena shelled out more than $40,000 to village “friend” and insider, Robert “Bob” Fisk — Fisk at the time wasn’t even living in Ravena, he was in Florida! —, for used fitness equipment from his defunct fitness center, previously mismanaged and failed under Guess who? Jerry “Dirty-Hands” Deluca’s partner, Cathy Deluca. Warner promptly handed over the Ravena Fitness Center to none other than fitness-club-failure-expert, Cathy Deluca. In the two years that Deluca ran the Ravena Fitness Center, the Center lost at least $115,000 a year!!! All Ravena taxpayer dollars. Ultimately, the Center failed after a short period of Deluca’s mismanagement. Deluca got paid and Carver Laraway did the village a favor by buying the equipment for pennies on the taxpayer dollar.

Nancy Warner’s Response to Ravena and Coeymans Residents.

We mention the history of the Ravena Fitness Center for two reasons: Nancy Warner’s stupidity and fiscal irresponsibility, and Nancy Warner’s corrupt practices in doing favors for the Ravena Incest Club, friends of the administration. Nancy Warner was also behind the harassment of local youth by the Coeymans Police for hanging around the village gazebo (which has since been removed), and for her involvement with then Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington and Coeymans cop Jerry “Dirty-Hands” Deluca for a number of violations of civil and constitutional protected rights.

And a bit THANK YOU! to Mr LP of Ravena for reminding us that it was at Nancy Warner’s urging that the RCS Community Library was thrown out of the space to make it available for Cathy Deluca’s most recent failure, the Ravena Fitness Center. Not only did Warner urge the Village Board to evict the Community Library, while insiders Persicos were “renovating” the Library’s new digs, Warner actually punished the Community Library for not moving out by raising the Library’s monthly rent!!! Warner raises the Library’s rent and the money comes out of community and children’s programs but that doesn’t matter to someone like Nancy Warner and her pack of flying monkeys! She was sending Darlington, Deluca, and Johnson  of the Coeymans Police Department out to harass the kids on the street, and you think she’d want them to be in a library? That’s not the way she works. Nancy Warner works by screwing the community and taking care of her friends in the Ravena-Coeymans Incest Club! Typical of any fascist regime — and fascist is the most accurate description of Warner’s little nest in Village Hall with it’s figure-head mayor, Mouse Misuraca — Nancy Warner has no use for intelligence or education; after all, a stupid population is easier to control than an intelligent one. How quickly we forget, people!

Nancy Warner sending out her Monkey-Pets in the Darlington-Deluca Coeymans PD to harass local youth. One scandal after the other! Does it ever end?

Nancy Warner’s husband Harold “Hal” Warner, a sitting Village justice, is the man behind the backstabbing of then part-time village justice and full-time Coeymans town justice, Phil Crandall, resulting in Crandall’s forced resignation in disgrace from the elected judgeships. Nancy Warner, at the time, “supervised” her own husband’s court operations.

Ravena Village Justice Hal Warner disgracing the American Flag (Warner is in the foreground).


No story about Nancy Warner would be complete without mentioning her pet rodent, Mayor Bill “Mouse” Misuraca.

The Nancy and Hal Warner are democrats as is Phil Crandall, but given their history, do you wonder that there’s no dialogue and only animosity between The Village of Ravena and the Town of Coeymans? We tend to think that the two communities,separated only by an immaginary line — they were once a single municipality, Ravena-Coeymans, until divided into the Village of Ravena and the Hamlet of Coeymans — but even so, the Town of Coeymans offices are actually still located in the Village of Ravena, on Russell Avenue! Go figure!!!

Since March 20, 2018, the entire Ravena village board has been packed with Democrats, all under the heavy hand of Nancy Warner; the only Republican on the Ravena village board is Mayor Bill “Mouse” Misuraca, elected by his loyal barroom customers and perhaps a couple of dyed-in-the-wool die-hard Republicans still allowed to live in the Village of Ravena. That probably makes no difference anyway, since Misuraca is totally ineffectual — unless it’s tapping a beer keg or pouring a shot– and Warner ran things anyway, witch that she is.

So, people, what does this mean for the perennial problems plaguing the neighbors Ravena and Coeymans, such as water, sewerage, law enforcement, animal control? Well, the picture ain’t pretty, as you can well imagine. But ask Town Supervisor Phil Crandall and he’ll tell you, “Put that in an email or a letter and get it to me.” That’s where it will die.

With Democraps commandeering both Ravena and Coeymans boards but with the seething and roiling hatred between top elected officials, Warner and Crandall, the residents and taxpayers will continue to be victimized by the self-serving, corrupt and incompetent Village and Town Halls.

The recent raccoon scandal brought the historical scandal to light but this time it came to light on a never-before-experienced scale; this time it’s international.

So Ravena abolishes its police department to save money. Both Ravena and Coeymans abolish animal control to save money. Both law enforcement and animal control are public safety services.But that doesn’t stop Ravena (Warner) or Coeymans (Crandall) from spending on their pet projects!

Ravena, under Warner’s dictatorship, finds the money to fund a Ravena Fitness Center, and to take a load of used fitness equipment off a friend’s — that is, Bob Fisk’s — hands to the tune of more than $40,000. She then hands over a large portion of Ravena Village Hall to her friend Cathy Deluca, and approves a handsome salary for Deluca to manage the facility. Deluca manages the facility over a period of two years right into oblivion, as she had done with two previous fitness clubs she had “managed.” A fine example of local government’s idea of fiscal responsibility, right?

After Nancy Warner’s husband, Hal Warner, forced his fellow justice, Phil Crandall, into disgraced resignation, Crandall, banned forever from running again for judicial office because of his corruption — in which Coeymans board member Tom Dolan and Albnay County legislator, Richard Touchette were recipients — and ethical violations while a judge, now runs for public office, for the office of Coeymans Town Supervisor.

Nancy Warner was/is breast-to-breast, vag-to-vag with Cathy Deluca and Jerry “Dirty-Hands” Deluca

Cathy Deluca
Who does your hair, sistuh?

You’ll need a little background to understand Crandall’s hatred for the Coeymans Police Department and why Crandall did everything possible to drive any competent leadership from the Coeymans Police Department. Crandall’s vendetta has its roots deep in the Warner-Deluca conspiracies. You see, Nancy Warner was/is breast-to-breast, vag-to-vag with Cathy Deluca and Jerry “Dirty-Hands” Deluca, who, in turn were in a love-fest with Gregory “Dumplin” Darlington. When Hal Warner disposed of Crandall, this Warner-Deluca-Darlington love triangle was going full-throttle, until their activities were getting too hot to handle and Darlington and Deluca had to go — either just go, or go to jail. Now that the Delucas and the Darlingtons were sufficiently disgraced and out of the public picture, the scene was set for the Warner-Crandall wars.(It’s also interesting that Carmen Warner was fired from the Albany DA’s office and Leah Darlington left the DA’s office shortly thereafter to take a position as a secretary with Tom Dolan’s Choices program. Was it getting too risky for Albany County DA David Soares to have these liabilities in his office?) Just one more objective was left for Crandall — and he’s very near successful — that is, getting rid of the Coeymans Police Department.

Jerry “Dirty-Hands” Deluca.
Now with the New York State Fire Chiefs Association.

Phil Crandal is a retired prison guard and brings all the charm and refinement of a prison guard personality to Coeymans Town Hall.

But Crandall is no prize when it comes to human relations and fiscal responsibility. First of all, he’s a retired prison guard and brings all the charm and refinement of a prison guard personality to Coeymans Town Hall. Secondly, he’s surrounded himself either with a harem of paid women or a coterie of recycled political losers like Jim Youmans (used car salesman, lost a previous election then ran again under Crandall) and Tom Dolan (director of the Ravena CHOICES program, another political loser). Dolan and Rick Touchette (director of the notorious Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Cemeteries, and recently “elected” to the Albany County Legislature) were both involved in the corruption and unethical activities that led to Crandall’s disgrace, Touchette and Dolan having received favors from Crandall while he was a judge. Touchette was part of the gang, too.

Crandall likes to hire consultants, clerks and secretaries for the Supervisor’s office

As we noted above, Crandall also likes to cut budgets to pad his office staff. He likes to hire consultants, clerks and secretaries for the Supervisor’s office, but likes to cut police and other budgets to save money (for his projects and friends). When cornered for answers, Crandall’s stock response is “send me an email” or “put that in a letter.”

A Lot of Finger-pointing going on right now in Ravena and Coeymans.

So we now have a scandal built up around the unfortunate fate of a wild raccoon who happened to be in the same space as two rogue Coeymans police idiots. The actors in this comedy of errors happen to be two Coeymans police personnel, admittedly morons, and a raccoon, at the time “presumed” to be a little too curious, a little too friendly, and thus “rabid.” Crandall has his moment pointing the finger at the bad cops and promising an investigation and accountability. Bravo, you stinker! Acting Coeymans Chief of Police, Daniel Contento, asking himself how’d I get into this position and what’s going to happen with my pension? Mayor “Mouse” Misuraca stands back and claims to be an animal lover and not to have any power or authority over the Coeymans Police, uses that simplistic mantra to get his useless ass re-elected. Nancy and Hal Warner are delighting that arch-enemy Phil Crandall has a scandal on his hands — again — and the public’s eye is on him, not on them.

Our burning question is this: Where is the Office of the New York State Comptroller, the Office of the Albany County District Attorney, the Office of the New York State Attorney General, and the FBI while all of this public corruption and abuse of public office is going on in broad daylight and has been going on for decades?

We think it’s high time for a lot of audits, investigations, indictments, prosecutions, and convictions. What do you think?

We’ll be asking similar questions about the New Baltimore town government, the New Baltimore Highway Department, and their ineffective and corrupt operations in an upcoming article. The situation, therefore, doesn’t appear to be isolated only to Ravena and Coeymans; it appears to be contagious, a sort of rabies that infects neighboring local governments like Ravena/Coeymans and New Baltimore. Maybe we can find two morons to run them over, too?




On Friday, March 23, 2018, three RCS high school  students were reported to be “joking” about coming into the high school and shooting it up. Click here.

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Posted by on March 26, 2018 in 19th Congressional District, 19th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 20th Congressional District, 46th District, 46th Senate District, Aaron Flach, Abuse of Power, Acting Police Chief, Albany, Albany County Civil Service, Albany County District Attorney, Albany County Sheriff Department, Animal Control Officer, ASPCA, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Bryana Catucci, Capital District, Care2, Carmen Warner, Carver Companies, Catherine Deluca, Catherine M. Deluca, Cathy Deluca, Cindy Rowzee, Civil Rights, Claude A. Wheeles, Coeymans, Coeymans Acting Police Chief, Coeymans Elections, Coeymans Industrial Park, Coeymans Police Department, Coeymans Town Attorney, Coeymans Town Board, Coeymans Town Budget, Conflict, Cooperative Extension, Craig D. Apple Sr., Cruelty to animals, D. Darlington, D. W. Contento, Daily Mail, Daniel Contento, Daniel Contento, Danielle Crosier, David Soares, David Wukitsch, Dawn Dolan, Dead Raccoon, DEC, DeLuca Public Affairs, Democrats, Department of Environmental Conservation, Dick Touchette, Drive-by Shooting, Eliminate Coeymans Police Department, Eric T. Schneiderman, Faith Plaza, George Amedore, Gerald Deluca, Greene County, Gregory Darlington, Hal Warner, Harold Warner, Humane Society of the United States, Illegal Search and Seizure, Jason Albert, Jerry "Dirty-Hands" Deluca, Jerry Deluca, Joe Stanzione, John B. Johnson, Johnson Newspaper Group, Joseph Stanzione, Josephine O'Connor, Kerry Thompson, Lazlo Polyak, Leah Darlington, Mark Vinciguerra, Mayor "Mouse", Mayor "Mouse" Misuraca, Michael Biscone, Michael J. Biscone, Misconduct, Misuse of Public Office, Moose Misuraca, Moose Misuraca, Mueller Automotive, Mueller's Automotive, Nancy Biscone-Warner, Nancy Warner, Nancy Warner, New Baltimore, New York, New York State, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, New York State Department of Health, New York State Town Law, News Channel 10, News Channel 13, News Channel 6, Nita Chmielewski, NYS Assembly, NYS Comptroller Audit, NYS Senate, NYSAFC, NYSDOH, Obstruction of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, Office of the Comptroller, P. David Soares, Perjury, Peter J. McKenna, Peter McKenna, Petition, Phil Crandall, Phillip Crandall, Police State, Public Safety, Ravena, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk, Ravena Elections, Ravena Fitness Center, Ravena Village Board, Richard Touchette, Robert Fisk, Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Cemeteries, Ryan Johnson, Smalbany, Stephen Flach, The Daily Mail, Times Union, Todd Polverelli, Tom Dolan, Tom Dolan, Town Justice, Town of Coeymans, Town of New Baltimore, Town Supervisor, Village Justice, William Bailey, William Misuraca, William Misuraca


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