Pleasant Surprises

Pleasant Surprise…


Sometimes when you

only look in one direction…

with eyes that focus upstream…

Growing ears plugged with dirt

a nose constantly forgetting

And a mindset

as flexible

as granite

You can miss

what’s happening


behind you…

Even if

It’s thrust


in your



David L. Whitman 05/09/2012 from under a sky so blue….

23 thoughts on “Pleasant Surprises

  1. Trees! ๐Ÿ™‚
    This one rattles the truth—a shaman’s magic stick shaking spirit awake. To only open the senses to what is there, then granite turns to speckles of jewels in river’s bed. ~ Sam I Am

    • Yes:). You’re comment is even more musical than my poem:)))). Yes. Open those senses like a faucet:)). Thank you sam the musical poet:)

  2. This is brilliant, just brilliant. The photo is so beautiful it took my breath away. The poem was masterfully written. I see some glitches to the past, but so often there are possibilities there too. This one has me pondering this morning. Loved it as always. Well done!

      • ah yes…well my present home is praire, foothills, then mountains…one of the best diversities, but I grew up in the east, the history and trees are better there, and my heart misses the east more then it will ever miss the mountains, I miss the great lakes, blackberries and large trees like I miss family, so that officially means we need to find these great nooks that remind us of ‘home’, exactly where we find ourselves

        • I love the trees rivers lakes. Springs and beaches here buttt I do crave elevation sooo most of our vacations involve the mountains one state north:)

        • Yes, the appalaches reach to where I grew up, they are so much lower then here, but the lower elevation of those mountains is home for me, even if the vistas and skies here are stunning too, great writing inspiration

        • which is technically correct I wonder, appalaches or appalachians…I’ve always heard them interchanged? Guess it doesn’t matter, just wondered if you knew?

        • Hmmmmm I’m not sure. Maybe one is the region and one the mountain range. All I know is it’s lovely:). But I’m truly not sure. I think they’re both right

  3. Wow… this image is gorgeous. I love the halo you captured at the top of the sky…it’s a mystical effect. And yes, your poem speaks volumes about our tendency to live in a state of “sleep walking” – rather than blissful awareness of the beauty that surrounds us every day. The focus that the camera gives us actually enhances this awareness (I have found). Great job here David — you are entering a new dimension with your work I believe!

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