
Fall foliage makes us sad

As beautiful as fall colors are, there’s something about this season that makes us sad. The light changes, the leaves fall, the days grow short. Soon, it will be cold and gloomy and, in our part of the country, wet and damp for months.

So we huddle inside, making soup and bread for dinner, waiting for spring. Each year I vow to take up a new hobby or spend more time in the basement lifting weights. Maybe this year that will happen. Maybe.

Or we can hibernate. We can read books and seed catalogs. We can sleep more and download movies to watch. We’ll be slowing down some now. Back soon.

By Dianna Ott

Lydia Street is about an old house, a new garden and the adventures of the lovely and talented occupants, Dianna and Christe. We love our dogs; we love to cook; we love to garden; and we have too many house projects going on at the same time. We also have plenty of stories to tell.

2 replies on “Fall foliage makes us sad”

Wow! The colors in that photo are fantastic! I know what you mean about “something sad” when winter’s lurking. At the same time, I’ve always loved fall for its promise of action – back to school, back to home projects, coping with a harsher season, creating cheer out of gloom, and yes, hibernating with comfort foods and good books. 🙂

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