Coming Soon…

Wild stories…
Strong opinions…
Good food…
Good memories…

I’m going to lunch today with three friends. We all taught at the same school, sharing students and sharing our own lives, too. Now we’re all retired and we still love getting together.

Some work friends are great friends at work. But some work friends are friends for life. Cultivate those friendships! They add so much to life. When we are young we may not understand it as keenly… but time with friends is a true joy of retirement.
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3 Responses to Coming Soon…

  1. arjeha says:

    This post really resonates with me because we have two groups of friends that we get together with for lunch every month. One group consists of people I worked with for 38 years. All now retired. The second group consists of friends I went to college with. Continue to cultivate that friendship. It is so important.

  2. Trish says:

    I can honestly admit that my work friends are the only reason I’m sorry we moved away from where I taught. They,are also the main reason I return for visits. Lucky you to have them close.

  3. Lakshmi Bhat says:

    Precious moments together. 

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