Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) 荷荷葩

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) 荷荷葩


Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) seeds is peanut like size. 荷荷葩的種子是花生米般大小.

Tropical evergreen shrub with grey-green foliage.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location in well drained soil.  Pale yellow flowers in winter.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:6′-8′(H) X 3′-6′(W).   Edible nuts contain seeds which are easy to extract the “oil"(actually it is a kind of wax).  Its oil has fragrance.  Propagate by seeds, plant has long roots.  Drought tolerant once established.   Good for hedge, low maintenance.

熱帶常綠灌木,葉片為灰綠色.  容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照處的排水良好的土壤中.  冬開淡黃色花.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高6-8呎,寬幅3-6呎.  堅果可食用含"油"量很高容易榨取,其所含的"油"其實是一種滲透性極高的蠟,有香味.  繁殖方式以種子來進行因為其植株的根系頗深. 植株生長穩定後頗耐旱耐熱.  它作為綠籬頗為理想,低維護.

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