Photography By Sarah

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

the house of mouse

Filed under: In my gear bag, personal, PHOTOGRAPHY — photographybysarah @ 9:44 pm

I took at trip to Disneyland, over the weekend with one of my favorite people, Angela. We had a blast!! The park was all decorated for the holidays, which was really neat, I liked how they transformed the inside of the haunted mansion, and its a small world for xmas.

Here we are in front of the castle….notice the snow on the roof?


We went to toon town and Angela got put in jail!!


Here are some ” disney doors” I thought were cool!


And a self portrait on Space Mountian! (don’t try this at home)


And the ride that scared my socks off! dropping 20 stories in an elevator?  yeah! what was  I thinking??


By the way, all these photographs were taken with my new “point and shoot” camera the brand new Canon G9 . It’s a great advanced little camera, with 12 megapixels and the ability to set it to completely manual, this takes the place of my huge 5D when I’m on the run.

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