Photography By Sarah

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wedding old school style

Filed under: In my gear bag, Kids photography, PHOTOGRAPHY, PORTRAITS, WEDDINGS — photographybysarah @ 3:55 pm

A Few weeks back I photographed a reception for Rebecca and Luis at Auberge du Soliel. A really nice couple, their wedding reception was full of laughter and fun. It was a joint effort, Richard Wood had photographed their ceremony and had asked me to cover their reception.  Since Richard photographs in film, I dusted off my canon EOS, and shot film as well.  Keeping in the “old school” spirit, all the following photos have not been retouched  or adjusted, they are SOTC (straight out of the camera).

   Here is a candid of Rebecca and Luis greeting their guests.


One of the Chinese traditions is to take photos with the guest at each table………

As you can see I had competition!


Their first dance


Don’t they look so happy here?


Then it was “free dance” for everyone………It was like an explosion of excitment went through the room and immeadiatly the kids ran to the dance floor.kids1.jpg

This little guy cracked me up…. he had some serious moves for a 3 year old.


Even breakdancing!


Then they ate Cake!


As always feel free to comment by clicking on the comments button – Sarah


  1. Nice pictures. More so because they’re SOTC.

    Comment by G. Chai — Saturday, December 1, 2007 @ 6:27 pm

  2. Nice serie !
    I like a lot the kids ones especially the first 2 of 4..

    Comment by nz-photo — Monday, January 7, 2008 @ 2:30 am

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