There are days………Sunday Selections

There are days that are made for sitting and knitting
(relaxing and reading and eating) 🙂


imageThere are days that are great for washing and just right for visiting
(resident Magpie just popped in to say Hello)



Some are for ‘doing’ – like plant those tomatoes


While there are others that say slow down,
admire the lovely green grass – smell the beautiful roses

(which doesn’t happen without the rain so no more complaining !)


imageThen there are times when all those days meld into one as they did recently
On these days Kiera just looks at me and in her own special way says:-

‘This is the life – You wouldn’t be dead for quids!’


Sunday Selections – There are Days aka One Perfect Day

River at Drifting through Life is the keeper of Sunday Selections.  The rules are really simple – just post some photos new or old, link to River in your post and then pop over to River’s and let her know.  And if possible visit some of the other contributors.

20 Replies to “There are days………Sunday Selections”

  1. You are right, that is one perfect day! Everything looks lovely, love the roses and the lavender! Kiera seems to be quite comfortable.


  2. Love Sundays that are spent outside. Either sitting or doing.
    Today I bought things for a new corner of the garden
    Still needs work. So I’ll post pics when it’s all done
    Enjoy your Sunday


    1. They don’t always happen that way- that particular day was a real cracker. Today not so good- cool and wet so it’s been indoor chores for me. I’ll be able to sit and knit later 🙂


    1. Just think Freda you have winter things like holly berries that we don’t. Then there’ll be all the spring bulbs and shrubs like Forsythia to look forward to.


  3. What a brilliant phrase: ‘This is the life – You wouldn’t be dead for quids!’
    I shall most definitely keep it, in fact I will pop it into my commonplace book right away.

    Yes, there are such days, not that many at the moment for me, but they still turn up occasionally. You have summer while we are being swallowed up by a grey damp November, your sun, your flowers, your gardening all make life sweet but my time will come again.

    In the meantime, enjoy the day.


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