LAPC #115: Planes, trains and automobiles

This week, Johnbo is asking us to share images that focus on our journeys. Transport – what to pick? I went to Cuba just under 2 decades ago, and it was just an amazing experience. We arrived in Havana, and after a couple of days I picked the hire car up and drove 600 miles in about 4 days, ending up in Santiago de Cuba where we eventually caught our plane back to Havana…a 1960s Russian Antonov.
This is the view as we left Santiago airport

And another image taken from inside as we were flying over the beach, with a view of the Sierra Madre mountains, I think

1960s Antonov Santiago de Cuba to Havana, 2005

…and here’s an image of the pilot and copilot after we landed in Havana, I congratulated him on his careful handling of the plane:

And now we’re off to Romania, for a train journey

First, before our train arrives, I notice how other passengers arrive

Now, our train still hasn’t come

…but finally here we are, travelling through rural Romania

And I couldn’t finish without showing those sleek Renfe trains in Spain

Linked to lens artists at Johnbo’s here


  1. Gosh, I’ve never seen a Renfe train like that, and I thought I’d seen quite a few!

  2. Love your photos of your trip to Havana. We had plans to go there, but the education visa program for U.S. citizens was canceled so we had to cancel our trip.

  3. I liked traveling with you sue!
    Especially seeing the mountains thru the window and the walkers coming up to the train tracks in Romania- great photo

  4. I’ve never been on a Renfe train, Sue. Nor in a Russian plane, come to that. I’ve never lived! Happy Sunday!

  5. I could do without Spain – I’ve been there 50 years ago – and I could do without Romania, but Cuba! I completed my degree on the Cuban Revolution and I would have given my eye teeth to go there. So don’t tell me anything – that would just make it worse.

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