Daily Lectionary online?

I like the new list of Daily Readings based on the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) that is found in the new Evangelical Lutheran Worship (this daily lectionary, released a year ago, is also available for purchase from Augsburg Fortress).  I read these texts as part of my daily prayer routine.  From the Augsburg Fortress website:

Thursday through Saturday readings help prepare the reader for the
Sunday reading ahead. Monday through Wednesday readings help the reader
reflect and digest on what they heard at church. Includes daily
readings for the full three-year lectionary cycle.

Each day has an Old Testament and a New Testament reading.  The same psalm is read for each of the three days prior to Sunday, and a different psalm is shared by the three days following Sunday.  Thus each day has three readings.

I have not found a website where this daily lectionary is available in electronic form.  Most of the online daily lectionaries that I found are based on the Book of Common Prayer two-year cycle.  The ELCA’s daily reading website is based on the RCL, but posts only one of the three readings and offers no general index. 

The permissions for reproducing the RCL are murky (I’m not sure that I can reproduce the lectionary here, since this is not a church website).  But if there were a church out there who was interested in posting the daily readings charts . . .

Published by Chris Duckworth

Spouse. Parent. Lutheran Pastor. Veteran. Jedi. Political Junkie. Baseball Fan.

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