Weekly Linkroll

It’s been a heck of a week here in New England. I teared up a little listening the Red Sox game yesterday when Neil Diamond made an impromptu appearance to sing along with himself in the seventh inning. A little odd, since the two Neils weren’t always in synch, but quite touching.

One good thing, though? The Winter of the Novel is finished! I handed off a printed manuscript to my alpha this week. Now, on to the next story.

Time for some links. I decided that all the links this week are going to be positive in some way. I think we all need that. (back to my usual cranky self next time)

Jacek Yerka – dreams and imagination
Wordlander on an artist I didn’t know of until reading her post. Beautiful!

Relax. You’re Already Ok. Also: Pimp Suits
Meg Worden over at Feed Me Darling on being enough.

If Diets Don’t Work, Then What?
Fit, Feminist, and (almost) Fifty gives a pretty good answer. FF&(a)F is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs.

High Schooler Protests ‘Slut-Shaming’ Abstinence Assembly Despite Alleged Threats From Her Principal
High school senior Katelyn Campbell stands up to her bully of a principal over an abstinence-only assembly full of lies. He threatened to call the college who accepted her to tell them about her “bad character.” The college’s response is awesome.

Anonymous’s Mirror Facebook Page Mocking the Westboro Baptist Church with Love and Tinfoil Kittehs
Making me love Anonymous even more.

New Zealand Passes Marriage Equality, Bringing Country Count To 14
Zack Ford over at Think Progress on New Zealand passing marriage equality. Both videos are definitely worth watching. I love the MP in the second one.

Shakespeare for Hamsters
Hannah Meiklejohn’s hamster likes poetry, so it seems. And pumpkin seeds.

Astronauts’ Favorite Space Food: Shrimp Cocktail
Who knew? Megan Garber at The Atlantic gives us the scoop.

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