How to Make Your Own Organic Cotton Mesh Produce Bags

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In today’s world, where environmental sustainability is a growing concern, reducing plastic waste has become increasingly important.

One simple yet impactful way to contribute to this effort is by making your own organic cotton mesh produce bags.

Not only are these bags eco-friendly, but they’re also durable, reusable, and versatile.

Here’s how you can create your own set of organic cotton mesh bags to use for your grocery shopping and beyond.

Materials Needed

To get started, gather the following materials:

  • Organic cotton fabric: Look for lightweight, breathable fabric suitable for produce bags.
  • Sewing machine: You can hand-sew if you prefer, but a sewing machine will make the process faster and more efficient.
  • Scissors: Sharp scissors for cutting fabric.
  • Thread: Choose a strong thread that complements the color of your fabric.
  • Drawstring or cord: Optional, but useful for closing the bags securely.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Cutting the Fabric

Begin by cutting the organic cotton fabric into rectangular pieces according to the desired size of your produce bags. Common sizes range from small bags for items like berries to larger bags for leafy greens and root vegetables.

2. Sewing the Sides

Fold the fabric in half with the inside facing out, then sew along the two open sides, leaving the top open. Use a straight stitch or a serger if available, ensuring that the seams are strong and secure.

3. Adding a Drawstring

To create a drawstring closure, fold down the top edge of the bag and sew a straight seam, leaving a small opening on each side for the drawstring to pass through. Thread the drawstring or cord through the openings, knotting the ends securely to prevent them from slipping out.

4. Finishing Touches

Trim any excess fabric and thread, then turn the bag right side out. Press the seams with an iron to create crisp edges and a polished finish.

Benefits of Organic Cotton Mesh Bags

Environmentally Friendly

Unlike single-use plastic bags, organic cotton mesh bags are reusable and biodegradable, reducing the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans.

Durable and Reusable

Organic cotton mesh is durable enough to withstand multiple uses, making it an excellent long-term investment for eco-conscious consumers.

Breathable Design

The breathable design of mesh bags allows air to circulate, helping to keep produce fresh for longer periods compared to plastic bags.

Tips for Using and Caring for Your Bags

  • Washing Instructions: Machine wash your organic cotton mesh bags with cold water and mild detergent, then air dry to maintain their integrity and prolong their lifespan.
  • Storage Tips: Store your clean bags in a dry, airy place to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  • Bringing Bags to the Grocery Store: Keep a set of bags in your car or near your shopping list to ensure you always have them on hand when visiting the grocery store or farmer’s market.

Watch this video – Make Your Own Reusable Produce Bags | DIY Produce Bags


Making your own organic cotton mesh produce bags is a simple yet impactful way to reduce your environmental footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.

By eliminating the need for single-use plastic bags, you can help reduce plastic pollution and promote sustainable living practices.

Take the first step towards a greener future by crafting your own reusable bags and inspiring others to do the same.

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