Warrior Announcement from Tyler Metz

Hi there Warrior Family and Friends! With the poor weather last fall and delays from The COVID-19 pandemic, the Football field and track project has experienced delays.

The Warrior Football team, GSSD, EHS, Norenda Construction, and all the Professionals and Volunteers working on this project are requesting to please refrain from using the field and track.

Please do your part to get the word out, if any part of the track or field is damaged, it would result in further delays and expenses.

There will be a community announcement when the track is ready for community use.

On behalf of all the communities that have and will benefit from the use of this facility, we thank you!

Note: Due COVID-19 and its Resulting economic downturn, the fundraising committee has decided to hold off any fundraising initiatives with local businesses or the public.

The Fundraising committee again thanks all the Individuals and Companies that have supported this 100% donation driven fundraiser!!

Coach Metz