Garden League ~ Week 14 ~ July 12, 2020

You can find current and cumulative results for the Garden League here:


Week 14 continues the second series of the Garden League. All previous weeks remain open. New players can add their scores to any competition, and existing players can make up for games they have missed.

Your comments, questions and impassioned speeches are always welcome.

Everyone is welcome to join the NDAL Garden League.

Recording fees are very inexpensive. You can find those details in this document: Garden League Rules and Stipulations.

Week 14 ~ July 12, 2020 ~ Box Game Looper

The Week 14 Garden League game shall be the Box Game, run as a Looper.


The briefing is in the course map. Note that two bonuses of 10 points are possible in this game. The handler must alternate sides of the red containment line in the two parts of the Looper.

The Box Game is scored Time, Plus Faults, Less Bonuses.



Note that we used the box containment line as the baseline, which should allow you to become familiar and comfortable with that line.

Catalog of Garden League Games

New players may go back and pick up courses played from the beginning of the league. New scores will be added to results. YouTube recordings are not required but are encouraged.


First Series



Questions comments & impassioned speeches to Bud Houston Visit our web store: You’ll find in the web store The Book of Agility Games, a comprehensive reference to all manner of agility games played for competition and fun around the world.


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