Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it – no matter if I have said it! – except it agree with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha

Monsoons in Applachistan

Whooo-boy, talk about a wet wet day.   This system has been blowing in from the west ALL DAY and its down pour followed by downpour.   

And amazingly, I got a full day in,,,  Shop time

And thats MY problem right now.   Wet weather, along with a cold day in the shop on that concrete floor,,, If I have had an injury, its reminding me of its existence today.   Achy joints, sore muscles, hips complaining to high heaven for release,,,,   Its the cold concrete that gets the hips achin’,,,  I have never found boot inserts that counter that effect.

And these thunder boomer showers are slotted to last all night.    Grizz is not a happy camper about this,,,

Poor fellers’ just gonna havta get over it, eh?

Mood is still in good standing, despite the aches n pains,    They remind me I am still upright and breathin’   There is something to be said for that.   I know younger in worse shape than I, so I can’t feel to hateful about it.  Not gettin’ any younger, and I did live fast and hard for many years.   Lots of good memories from it,,,,

“I see their faces, I feel the traces they left on my soul,

and those are the memories, that make me a wealthy soul,,,”

(one of the last great balladeers IMHO,,,)


Its gettin’ late, and the drumming of the rain is taking a toll on my energy levels: gonna sleep like a babe tonight,,,,

tomorrow is the pay day, looking good so far; prayin’ tomorrow is not a washout.  Won’t kill me if it is, but would like that added cushion, so to speak.   I don’t like running close to the bone, carry over from my touring days when I carried mad cash from per diem pay (that I never got to use because we never stopped in one place long enough to buy a beer,,,,  besides which, we had beer on the bus,,,,)  but these days, I ain’t alone in that ‘runnin’ close to the bone’, am I?

And I will leave that right there without any need to expand on it,,,,

Keep on livin’

One response

  1. Mike in FLA

    “I see their faces, I feel the traces they left on my soul,

    and those are the memories, that make me a wealthy soul,,,”

    A quote from my heart as well! In that respect, Ole Mikee’s soul is purty dam wealthy, too! One of my favorite albums (and I do mean LP’s – not digital). Had the good fortune to see Bob & the boys in concert here in town 3 times. Great shows!

    Dam – I know about that **concrete + wet = pains and aches**, too! Usta have much the same effect(s) on me. I wish ya well in staying busy.

    “but these days, I ain’t alone in that ‘runnin’ close to the bone’, am I?” You be ever so correct in that, unfortunately. Seen those days WAY too many times, meself – ain’t too dam far from it now, but at least I have *some* cushion. Still, I druther be working. Keep on keepin on!

    Y’all take care & stay livin,
    Mike in FLA.

    PS: Totally off topic, but I got that ‘stuff’ a few days ago but haven’t had a chance to try some out – 45acp 230g HydraShok – not +P. Oughta be a dandy!

    Liked by 1 person

    May 9, 2024 at 6:36 am