The time for health is now

I better be careful. I’m now very aware of the fact that when you start talking about a subject like this, emotions are awakened, and the next thing you know, someone is arguing with you about the virtues of animal products. People have opinions. People are entitled to them, and they will dig their heels in when they feel their beliefs about food are being questioned; however, this to be expected when one finds themselves inserting doubt into the misinformation distributed en masse by the food industry. Remember the food pyramid? I think someone made a mistake with that thing. There have been too many heart attacks and health problems-due to poor diet-in my family tree for me to turn a blind eye to a very real problem: the American diet is in need of a major overhaul before it’s too late.

It’s difficult to affect change when we don’t all agree on the facts. Could this article by the World Bank (concerning food scarcity), be one of the things we agree on? There are many more sources, but I felt this one is worth taking a look at when considering the resources being used to feed the excessive meat and animal product consumption in the United States: World Bank; Food Scarcity Article.

Maybe we would all agree that something needs to be done regarding the macro issue, which is we need to better manage the natural resources we have been blessed with-rather than disagreeing on the micro issues and details?

I can only hope. In the meantime, I’ve taken my own steps towards doing something. Take for example this meal I made for myself last night. I’m a single guy. No woman is going to be making food for me anytime soon, so I had to learn!😂 It’s a new world, and I’m with it. This way I can make my lovely guest things like this. I can also make sure the food is healthy and has quality ingredients (like you see in this picture). I was able to get all the nutrients I needed (see why quinoa is so wonderful here: Quinoa: The Supergrain Of The Future!😀


I added some mixed nuts ($7.99 a pound at Kroger/Fry’s), a raspberry vinaigrette, and the salad mix (which you can get a big plastic container of for around $4.99). All this stuff cost me under $30, and I’ll be able to make food for days. So besides putting my health first and getting in the best shape ever as a result of a vegan diet, I’m also saving money!


For those of you that have been considering a vegan diet, or just want to know why so many people are eating this way, look at the natural beauty in this picture!😄 All this came from the Earth, and the fact that it is wholesome and nutritious in indisputable. Can we say that for most of the processed, sugar-filled, antibiotic fed, obesity causing, scientifically altered, and nutrient poor foods available for cheap in the grocery store?

The time for change is now. Health is imporant now. People are struggling with food scarcity now. With these thoughts, I continue the 60 day challenge, which I made to myself, to eat vegan (I’m 3 and a half weeks in!).

I pray for your health-as well as my own-and hope you will consider what I’ve written and research for yourself. This gift of renenwed energy, vigor, and happiness-I couldn’t help but share with you. Have a great week!

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