I Got Over It

Over it

So, recently a work colleague achieved a new level of status at our company and in their (yes, it is a single person, but I am using the plural pronouns to be gender-neutral – I’m anonymizing as much as possible, while still sharing the guts of my emotions – which is what this post and this blog is all about – me!) career.

This person’s achievement affects my job description/responsibilities and we had that conversation this past Tuesday.

When I was recounting the story to my sistas (their word for all of us and I love it!) at Support Group that night, I confessed that I had approached that particular work relationship for the first 18 months or so (I’ve been there a tad over 2 years now) with warmth and friendliness (which unfortunately has not resulted in the type relationship I was hoping to build – but please look around at my quote editorials about being the only one fighting for a relationship and deciding enough is enough) and . . .

. . . I paused at this point to choose my next words, and one of my sistas (well, our sista leader actually), piped up with:

“You got over it.”

This had me actually laughing out loud, and reflexively (gently) slapping her arm (she was sitting next to me) in solidarity.

So, yes, I got over it.  🙂

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