Stuff Christina Katz Likes (That “White People” Also Like)

Christina Katz Likes…

(* indicates she really, really likes!)

#92 Book Deals*

#91 San Francisco

#88 Having Gay Friends

#82 Hating Corporations

#64 Recycling

#61 Bicycles

#60 Toyota Prius

#59 Natural Medicine

#57 Juno

#53 Dogs

#51 Living by the Water

#50 Irony

#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops

#47 Arts Degrees

#45 Asian Fusion Food

#44 Public Radio

#43 Plays

#42 Sushi

#40 Apple Products*

#39 Netflix

#38 Arrested Development

#36 Breakfast Places*

#34 Architecture

#26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)

#21 Writers Workshops

#13 Tea*

#12 Non-Profit Organizations

#10 Wes Anderson Movies

#7 Diversity

#5 Farmer’s Markets

#2 Religions their parents don’t belong to

#1 Coffee*

This was fun. Try it! (And be honest.)

Just go to the list of stuff white people like:

And the select those you like. Or do what I did and copy and paste them all and then delete the ones you don’t like.

2 Responses to “Stuff Christina Katz Likes (That “White People” Also Like)”

  1. 1 Kelli April 6, 2008 at 7:46 pm

    Pretty funny…I’m surprised that Barnes & Noble and “The Office” didin’t make the list. Those would be in my “top 20”. I’ve embarked on reading WRITER MAMA (which is what led me to your site) and from what I’ve read so far, it might make my “top 20” too! Thanks for your encouragement and motivating words. I’m definitely a “mom who feels called to write.” The tricky part has been squeezing it in between diaper changes and mountainous loads of laundry… WRITER MAMA to the rescue!

  2. 2 The Writer Mama April 6, 2008 at 8:22 pm

    Thanks, Kelli!

    This white person definitely likes The Office. In fact, I need to mark it on my calenday…a new episode is coming, hooray!

    Don’t feel bad about the laundry…I started Spring cleaning weeks ago and I’m still not done! That’s because I’m trying to do it in between montainous loads of laundry too.

    🙂 C

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