Days 8-10

Obviously I’m doing a little catch-up today. Kind of sad that I only made it 7 consecutive days of blogging. I was thankful for things each of day but fell asleep early and didn’t get to blog them.

Day 8: I am thankful for getting off work an hour early. This is a common occurrence on Fridays, and I love it. I am very blessed with my job.

Day 9: I am thankful for Charlotte’s friends at daycare. One of her friends had a party at FunZone, a bouncy house place in town, and Charlotte had the best time. It was cute to see her interact with her pals from daycare.

Day 10: I am thankful that Charlotte successfully made it through the night in her toddler bed. We decided to convert her crib yesterday, kind of on a whim, and it has gone really well so far. She slept there for nap time yesterday and today, and also made it all of last night without getting out of bed. We will see how it goes tonight, but I am hopeful. I can’t believe how big she is getting! 

This high-quality photo courtesy of my iPhone.

I hope you all have had a great weekend!

Tell me your thoughts! I'd love to read them.